abhijay-deevi / p4-slackbots

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Umbrella - Pokedex API - Abhijay #14

Open MeganCorrigan opened 3 years ago

MeganCorrigan commented 3 years ago

Abhijay Deevi

Main Project:

My focus:

I was able to complete this main section of the code and made it user interactive as well. Most of the work is done in JavaScript. Also wrote comments on most of the lines to show my understanding of the code. My next steps are to rework the individual sections and help my teammates with the frontend of the Pokemon game code.

Tangibles: Pokedex HTML Pokedex CSS Pokedex JavaScript Runtime Link

abhijay-deevi commented 3 years ago

AK's Comment: glow: I think the Pokédex is well coded and has an array of Pokemon. Grow: I think it can have more metadata, I think it should include which level certain moves are learned and have its pre and post evolution as well. That way, it would corroborate more with the game.

MeganCorrigan commented 3 years ago

Abhijay, this looks really organized! I love how you separated it into different sections. My comment to improve it just that you go into more depth on things like which API we're using.

largecodeman1 commented 3 years ago

This looks very organized and manageable, all of the tasks mentioned seem related and look like they will help complete major portions of the project, good stuff!

zachajoseph commented 3 years ago

Zach's comment: Glow: Well organized and the comments make the code easily understood Grow: A lot of this does not hit the requirements for the project, so for next week we need to ensure we fulfill those