abhijay-deevi / p4-slackbots

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Creating Figma GUI and overworld map - Aiden #5

Open zachajoseph opened 3 years ago

zachajoseph commented 3 years ago

Aiden 5/17 - 5/21

Tangibles: Link to CSS file containing GUI Example UI to learn from

zachajoseph commented 3 years ago

Self Grade reviewed by AIden: 2/3

Reasoning: I completed my tickets for researching Figma and creating a GUI interface to be used in our project. However, I am missing runtime link code and I will correct it next week.

paul-bokelman commented 3 years ago

Very interesting ticket, I think that this is a very reasonable goal to accomplish in the given time period

Travis4th commented 3 years ago

Good ticket and very specific. A good goal in the week span.

nguyenjacob commented 3 years ago

Has a specific goal and tangibles to proof it. Great ticket for the week :D

noahahooja commented 3 years ago

Good ticket, try relating it to the team's work and see how it can be used to hit ap requirements.