abhijit-ecsion / SmartEmail

Smart Dashboard with Emails Counts and View
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New User Registration gives error on sending acknoledgement and Acccess. #16

Open abhijit-ecsion opened 3 years ago

abhijit-ecsion commented 3 years ago

New User Registration

After the IAM registration we need to register user with Application by inserting Company Name.
Which gives several issues as follows

In Account Controller --> RegisterCompany()

_UserRegisterViewModel.LastName = _UserSessionsModel.name.Split(' ')[1]; Gives "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Error as we are not taking the Last name from user as separated field.

Account Controller ----> ProcessUserRegistration() --> CreateUserWorkspaceOnUserRegistraion()
Calls API insertUserWorkspaces
In PreDefined UserDb missing the SP stp_insertUpdateUserWorkspace.

API insertUserWorkspaces_userDB with wrong syntax of convert UNIX timestamp to datetime, which gives wrong format error.