abhijitnandy2011 / Age-of-Steam

A WebGL based train simulation
MIT License
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Fix the demo page not loading issue #13

Closed abhijitnandy2011 closed 8 years ago

abhijitnandy2011 commented 8 years ago

Following up with GiHub support.

abhijitnandy2011 commented 8 years ago

The following fix worked: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11577147/how-to-fix-page-404-on-github-page

THe git repo has been re-initialized, so all previous commit history has been lost. The backed up repo was pushed after git was re-initialized.

Four months ago I have contacted the support and they told me it was a problem on their side, they have temporarily fix it (for the current commit).

Today I tried again

I deleted the gh-pages branch on github

git push origin --delete gh-pages I deleted the gh-pages branch on local

git branch -D gh-pages I reinitialized git

git init I recreated the branch on local

git branch gh-pages I pushed the gh-pages branch to github

git push origin gh-pages Works fine, I can finally update my files on the page.