abhinav22 / RRS

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Page Flow #14

Closed abhinav22 closed 11 years ago

abhinav22 commented 11 years ago

Project Proposal:

search request can be ranging from java, groovy ,ruby,php etc,.We need to Produce RATED Resources that match the search request.This is our goal.

Steps to achieve our goal

Step1: Create Resource entries that covers most of today's skills in software engineering

Step 2: Rate the resources

Step 3:Display the Rated Resources that match the search request.

Step 2 :Rating

Rating is done based on skill set.When Job Profile along with skill set is submitted,the application prompts a page with resources that can be rated by the user.This yields only 4 to 5 RATED resources that are specific to the user skill set.but if the user searches for other resources in the search bar,away from his skill set he would not get any RATED resources

To get more RATED Resources, we need more diverse skills.So every user who logs in and creates a profile,HAS to rate resources on submission of his skill set. So over a period of time if 10 users logged in who have diverse skill sets ranging from developer,QA,QE,admin, we HAVE to maintain the Ratings of all the resources by the 10 users who are connections to the present user.This maintains a log of large number of Generic RATED resources over a period of time.And now when the user gives a search request on any skill,even a remote matching yields a RATED resource from the large log of RATED resources.

The flow is illustrated below

Clicking on create JOB profile after logging in,yields the below screen

Profile Creation

Clicking on submit on the JOB profile page,Prompts the below screen with resources that needs ratings

NOTE: The number of resources that can be displayed to RATE can be as many as u wish to include Hantsy,but need to be relevant only to the skill set.


After Rating, the user goes back to search bar in the page to enter a search request.The Search page appears like this below

Search Page

Once the resource results are out, the user clicks on Add button to add it to the Resources list.After clicking on the Add, he verifies whether the resource is added or not,by clicking on the more option beside resources shown in the page below Resourcelist

hantsy commented 11 years ago

basic webflow is done