abhinav2712 / Filmy

Movies/Tv shows updating NextJs app
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Make the navbar elements work #2

Open abhinav2712 opened 1 year ago

abhinav2712 commented 1 year ago

The elements in the navbar can be made to be interactive and not just for showcase

Kd-Here commented 1 year ago

@abhinav2712 navbar is already interactive on hovering it get's pop! Did you need help in something more.

abhinav2712 commented 1 year ago

@Kd-Here Sorry, I should have written more clearly, by interactive i meant it to be working, like when you click trending, it sorts the movies from top rated or any other category to trending You can also build a page of collections, or just a signup page after clicking accounts nav item..

hussain-shariff commented 1 year ago

Hey abhinav are you still working on navbar? I will be happy to help you with navbar. And which API are you using for this project?

abhinav2712 commented 1 year ago

@hussain-shariff I am not currently working on it so you can definitely work on it, should I assign you? I am using TMDB for this

hussain-shariff commented 1 year ago

Yes sure. Can you list down the functionalities of all the nav icons, so that I'll replicate the same. And I see this is build using next.js as I'm beginner to next.js, I'll ping you for clarifications.

abhinav2712 commented 1 year ago

@hussain-shariff You are now assigned with this issue, feel free to contact for any kind of clarification, Here's the list of icons with their links that you can use from the unicons library, the package name is mentioned in the code itself (components/header) : Unicons.UilEstate, Unicons.UilFire, Unicons.UilBooks Unicons.UilSearch, Unicons.UilUser

Good Luck!

hussain-shariff commented 1 year ago

Hey. I need the API_KEY as .env file is not accessible to me