abhinayrathore / PHP-IMDb-Scraper

PHP IMDb Scraping API
MIT License
86 stars 49 forks source link

PHP-IMDb-Scraper #3

Open lyarinet opened 7 years ago

lyarinet commented 7 years ago

image poster not show

dhobi commented 7 years ago

+1 Rather than waiting for a fix (last commit and PR was a while ago), I forked the project, fixed the poster scraping and uploaded a new demo site: https://github.com/dhobi/PHP-IMDb-Scraper

lyarinet commented 7 years ago


lyarinet commented 6 years ago

Dear script stop working check it

dhobi commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if the creator still watches this repository. Anyway, fixed on https://github.com/dhobi/PHP-IMDb-Scraper.

lyarinet commented 6 years ago

sir i check it and i'm using it on my web today its stop working not fetching showing error No Title found in Search Results!

lyarinet commented 6 years ago

you change some codes but it's only get title image genres run time release date actors and etc not work

dhobi commented 6 years ago

ok, I see. Could you open an issue describing what's missing on my fork? Thx.

lyarinet commented 6 years ago

thanks sir