abhishek-vinjamoori / SubtitleExtractor

This repository is aimed at downloading subtitles from popular Internet Services.
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Crackle authorisation error #3

Open abhishek-vinjamoori opened 8 years ago

abhishek-vinjamoori commented 8 years ago

Downloading Subtitles from Crackle throws an Authorization Error.

saurabhshri commented 7 years ago

I was having trouble finding suitable video and its matching subtitle link for testing. Took some time and network sniffing to finally get it.

This could be of little help for people like me trying to fix this :

Video Url : http://www.crackle.com/comedians-in-cars-getting-coffee/2498898 Its corresponding subtitle link : http://web-us-az.crackle.com/1/u/em/d7jyb_en-US_160627145100.xml

The main problem I think is the detail fetching API which doesn't seem to work for me. For this video, the expected URL is : https://web-api-us.crackle.com/Service.svc/details/media/2498898/US?format=json which gives nothing, but a blank result.

abhishek-vinjamoori commented 7 years ago

Yes. Some of the test URL's are listed in testUrls.txt The expected URL sometimes returns a valid page and most of the other times it is a blank page. We need to find a way to by pass this.

saurabhshri commented 7 years ago

@abhishek-vinjamoori Yes, exactly.

More information : The following parameters are passed to the Video Player on their website. This should contain important information. I have removed all the encoding and also indented to make it as legible as I could.

loc=en_IN &log=0 &ar=opin


&internal=1 &useNielsen=0 &id=2498898 &sindex=0 &ml=o=12 &fx= &fc=1515 &fpl=2125937 &ap=1 &tt= &convivaLive=1 &apiHost=http://web-api-us.crackle.com

&qrxml=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





strAdServer="freewheel" fUseConvivaPrecision="1" fFreewheelLive="1"








strRtmpCdnUrl="streamauthusns.akamai.crackle.com/ondemand/crackle" id="16" name="Crackle" fAutoPlay="1" fEnableClickOnVideo="0" strAdPattern="av" fShowWatermark="1" fShowSDPlaybackOnly="0" strOmnitureAccount="crackleuseli2015prod" fShowFullScreen="1" nVolumeLevel="50" fShowVolume="1" fShowScrubber="1" fShowScrubberIcon="1" fEnableSeek="1" fEnablePostrollCountdown="1" fAllowInternal="1" fShowAgeGate="0" strAdSite="cr.crack" partner_id="20" nScrubberForgiveness="30" fUseCC708="1" />

saurabhshri commented 7 years ago

@abhishek-vinjamoori Do you remeber if



existed the first time you made it?