abhishekkrthakur / colabcode

Run VSCode (codeserver) on Google Colab or Kaggle Notebooks
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Python debugging doesn't work in ColabCode (or in ngrok?) #71

Closed krivenkoz closed 3 years ago

krivenkoz commented 3 years ago

I'm using amazing ColabCode by Abhishek Thakur. It uses ngrok as backbone. But when I try to debug Python script (via F5 button), it doesn't launch any debug action even when I set a breakpoint. Script runs in terminal only. launch.json is empty. When I fill it with next:

"version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Python: Current File", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "program": "${file}", "console": "integratedTerminal" }

] I've got next error:

Couldn't find a debug adapter descriptor for debug type 'python' (extension might have failed to activate)

How can I debug Python script on ngrok code-server?

skepsun commented 3 years ago

You can try to downgrade python extention to 2020.10

krivenkoz commented 3 years ago

Dear Abhishek! Thanks a lot, it helps (but I've installed 2020.5 instead of 2020.10)