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Drum kit. #3

Open priyashuu opened 3 months ago

priyashuu commented 3 months ago

Drum Kit Project

Overview The Drum Kit is an interactive web application that allows users to play various drum sounds using both mouse clicks and keyboard inputs. It features seven different types of drum sounds, each associated with a unique button on the screen and a corresponding key on the keyboard.

Features Seven Drum Sounds: The kit includes seven distinct drum sounds, providing a rich and varied drumming experience. Interactive Play: Users can play the drum sounds by either clicking on the on-screen buttons or pressing specific keys on their keyboard. Visual Feedback: Each button provides visual feedback when clicked or when its corresponding key is pressed, enhancing the user experience.

Technology Stack HTML: Used for the basic structure and layout of the drum kit. CSS: Applied for styling the drum kit interface, ensuring a visually appealing and responsive design. JavaScript: Powers the interactive functionality, including sound playback and visual feedback. How It Works Click Interaction: When a user clicks on one of the drum buttons, an event listener triggers the playback of the corresponding drum sound.

Keyboard Interaction: Each drum button is mapped to a specific keyboard key. When the key is pressed, an event listener detects the key press and plays the associated drum sound. Sound Files: The drum sounds are stored as audio files and are played using JavaScript's audio API.

This drum kit project not only showcases the practical use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but also offers an engaging and interactive way to experience creating and playing music. Screenshot 2024-07-05 234955

priyashuu commented 3 months ago

I have developed a Drum kit using html, css,js . Please consider my request to assign me this project. Please add ssoc label and points .