abhisheks008 / DL-Simplified

Deep Learning Simplified is an Open-source repository, containing beginner to advance level deep learning projects for the contributors, who are willing to start their journey in Deep Learning. Devfolio URL, https://devfolio.co/projects/deep-learning-simplified-f013
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Brand Sentiment Analysis using NLP #445

Closed abhisheks008 closed 7 months ago

abhisheks008 commented 8 months ago

Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)

:red_circle: Project Title : Brand Sentiment Analysis using NLP
:red_circle: Aim : The aim of this project is to analyze the sentiment of the brands based on the dataset.
:red_circle: Dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/tusharpaul2001/brand-sentiment-analysis-dataset
:red_circle: Approach : Try to use 3-4 algorithms to implement the models and compare all the algorithms to find out the best fitted algorithm for the model by checking the accuracy scores. Also do not forget to do a exploratory data analysis before creating any model.

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:red_circle::yellow_circle: Points to Note :

:white_check_mark: To be Mentioned while taking the issue :

Happy Contributing 🚀

All the best. Enjoy your open source journey ahead. 😎

dipayan22 commented 8 months ago

Full name : Dipayan Majumder GitHub Profile Link : https://github.com/dipayan22/ Email ID : majumderd0072gmail.com Participant ID (if applicable): Approach for this Project : One approach to sentiment analysis using deep learning is to use recurrent neural networks (RNNs), which are capable of modeling sequential dependencies in text data. [RNNs can be further improved by incorporating long short-term memory (LSTM) or gated recurrent unit (GRU) cells . Another approach is to use convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which are effective in identifying local patterns in text data What is your participant role? (Mention the Open Source program) SWOC 24

dipayan22 commented 8 months ago

I wanted to apologize for providing the wrong email address while issuing the project. I understand that this may have caused inconvenience and confusion, and I take full responsibility for my mistake. I am taking steps to ensure that this does not happen again in the future. In the meantime, please let me know if there is anything else I can do to rectify this situation. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Email - majumderd007@gmail.com

Soumiksb06 commented 8 months ago

Full name : Soumik Banerjee GitHub Profile Link : https://github.com/Soumiksb06 Email ID: soumikbanerjee230@gmail.com Approach: I will use a deep learning architecture such as a recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory networks (LSTM), or a transformer model like BERT. Then compare their accuracies and choose the best one. What is your participant role? : SWOC '24 Contributor

I love to work with sentiment analysis and it's my area of interest! Please approve my request!

abhisheks008 commented 8 months ago

Issue assigned to you @dipayan22