abhisheks008 / DL-Simplified

Deep Learning Simplified is an Open-source repository, containing beginner to advance level deep learning projects for the contributors, who are willing to start their journey in Deep Learning. Devfolio URL, https://devfolio.co/projects/deep-learning-simplified-f013
MIT License
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Poultry Diseases Detection #469

Open abhisheks008 opened 5 months ago

abhisheks008 commented 5 months ago

Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)

:red_circle: Project Title : Poultry Diseases Detection
:red_circle: Aim : The aim of this project is to detect the problem statement using deep learning methods.
:red_circle: Dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kausthubkannan/poultry-diseases-detection
:red_circle: Approach : Try to use 3-4 algorithms to implement the models and compare all the algorithms to find out the best fitted algorithm for the model by checking the accuracy scores. Also do not forget to do a exploratory data analysis before creating any model.

📍 Follow the Guidelines to Contribute in the Project :

:red_circle::yellow_circle: Points to Note :

:white_check_mark: To be Mentioned while taking the issue :

Happy Contributing 🚀

All the best. Enjoy your open source journey ahead. 😎

Disha-16 commented 1 month ago

@abhisheks008 abhisheks008Hi, I am Disha Mukhopadhyay, currently persuing BTech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). I have done an internship as an AI intern. and published an IEEE paper in Machine Learning domain, and also have some papers in proceeding in Machine Learning and data science domain. It will be very helpful if you could assign me this project, so that I can work on this project. Full name : Disha Mukhopadhyay GitHub Profile Link : https://github.com/Disha-16 Email ID : mukherjeedisha491@gmail.com Approach for this Project : 1.Data collection and preprocessing: In this section, we will preprocess the dataset, which includes resizing images, normalizing pixel values, encoding labels (diseases), handling missing or incomplete data, and augmenting the dataset if necessary to increase its size and variability. 2.Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA): Visual inspection, statistical summary, data distribution will be performed. 3.Model Selection and Deployment: Various deep learning model(CNNs, RNNs) will be chosen and implemented. 4.Model Training and evaluation: Each model will be trained on the dataset, and performance of each model will be displayed. 5.Model Comparison and Selection: Will analyze the performance of all models based on the metrics obtained and will Choose the model that shows the best balance between accuracy, generalizability, and computational efficiency. 6.Documentation and Reporting: A detailed report of the whole project will be submitted.

What is your participant role? (Mention the Open Source program): Contributor in GirlScript Summer Of Code'2024

Santhosh-Siddhardha commented 1 month ago

Hi @abhisheks008 ,

abhisheks008 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Santhosh-Siddhardha and @Disha-16 both of your approaches are brief. As per the code of conduct issues will be assigned on FCFS basis.

Issue assigned to @Disha-16. You can start working on it.

@Santhosh-Siddhardha you can look for other issues. Lots of open issues are there in the repo.

Disha-16 commented 1 month ago

@abhisheks008 Thank you