abhisheks008 / DL-Simplified

Deep Learning Simplified is an Open-source repository, containing beginner to advance level deep learning projects for the contributors, who are willing to start their journey in Deep Learning. Devfolio URL, https://devfolio.co/projects/deep-learning-simplified-f013
MIT License
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Added AI-Driven Diagnostic System #803

Open Kyouma45 opened 1 week ago

Kyouma45 commented 1 week ago

Pull Request for DL-Simplified 💡

Issue Title : AI Driven Diagnostic System

I have created a very well documented readme file which you can refer to get all the understanding about the model and dataset.

Closes: #714

Describe the add-ons or changes you've made 📃

I trained different models on the custom dataset which takes 133 different symptoms from the user to predict among 40 diseases. I have tried building a deep learning model and a catboost model. Catboost outperformed DL model and gave more than 97.6% accuracy. So, I went ahead with catboost model. Then I integrated the model with OpenAI to give prescriptions based on the predicted disease from the model.

Type of change ☑️

What sort of change have you made:

How Has This Been Tested? ⚙️

It was tested based on an accuracy score of more than 97.6%. Images are attached in the readme file.

Checklist: ☑️

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Our team will soon review your PR. Thanks @Kyouma45 :)