abhishekvraman / py-and-id

piping and instrumentation diagram but it's python code.
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

Chemical Plant elements #2

Open erwanp opened 1 month ago

erwanp commented 1 month ago

Hello, nice package (and nice description!)

Your last commits include Pumps and check valves. ==> Is there an example Jupyter Notebook showing how to use them ?

It would be of great interest for us for the Python monitoring of our plasmalyser pilot plant @pag1pag @jakeon11

abhishekvraman commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @erwanp , Thank you for showing interest! Did not expect industry experts are looking into it. The package is a modification of schmedraw which is used to create electric circuits. py-and-id is work progress and has only 2 elements. The only example is here from cell 5 and 6.

If you want a developed flowsheeting package I recommend to use https://github.com/Nukleon84/pyflowsheet.

Just for my curiosity, what king of monitoring you are doing in your pilot plant?

erwanp commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the recommandation. We're monitoring Plasma generators; Mass flow meters; Temperature sensors; Pressure sensors; Heat Exchangers; Pumps

abhishekvraman commented 3 weeks ago

I am also working on another project which a python package to analyze chemical plants. You can import flow meters and pumps and attach them. https://github.com/abhishekvraman/Propylean

Here are some notebooks: https://github.com/abhishekvraman/Propylean/tree/main/Models

I am not sure it would be useful to you but if you can give me some feedback then I can improve it for your use case.

erwanp commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, forwarding to the team