Turret: Periodically shoots energy projectiles at a player within its radius. Explodes on death.
Explosive Barrel: Explodes on death.
Floor Trap: Consistently damages the player while they're standing on it. Doesn't die.
Explosion: Deals damage to all enemies, players, and destructibles in its explosion radius.
Important: HealthSystem had to be revised to have a nullcheck for the takeDamage function. It will break all scripts that utilize its damage functionality if it doesn't.
When the turret dies make sure to disable the base of the turret's collider so you don't block the player or allow them to jump on top of the invisible box.
Turret: Periodically shoots energy projectiles at a player within its radius. Explodes on death. Explosive Barrel: Explodes on death. Floor Trap: Consistently damages the player while they're standing on it. Doesn't die. Explosion: Deals damage to all enemies, players, and destructibles in its explosion radius.
Important: HealthSystem had to be revised to have a nullcheck for the takeDamage function. It will break all scripts that utilize its damage functionality if it doesn't.