abhshkdz / HackFlowy

:notebook: Workflowy clone, built using Backbone.js & Socket.io
806 stars 150 forks source link

Project actively developed? #14

Closed onitreb closed 9 years ago

onitreb commented 10 years ago

Hi! I love the idea of this project. Workflowy charges a lot for premium membership.

I'm just wondering if it's still in development.
How 'functional' is it in its current state? Is anyone using it full time?
How do the features compare to Workflowy? Can it be run on a shared hosting account, like on Dreamhost?

desyncr commented 9 years ago

It seems it's more like a weekend project sort of. So there is no people actively developing currently.

How 'functional' is it in its current state?

It's pretty functional as it is now. It's still missing some features such as starred pages and keyboard shortcuts. But the very basics are there.

How do the features compare to Workflowy?

It's just the very basics.

Can it be run on a shared hosting account, like on Dreamhost?

I think so. It has no special requeriments and for personal use it can even run on sqlite so it's quite lightweight.

Hope that helps!

onitreb commented 9 years ago

Yes, it does. Thanks!

jeffszusz commented 9 years ago

I was thinking of starting something like this, if only because I'm paranoid workflowy will go out of business and disappear...

If I can find the time, I might fork and hack on this a bit. Do you prefer all contributions to push forward toward a workflowy clone, or are "new" features possibly welcome?

abhshkdz commented 9 years ago

I'd prefer if we first get the Workflowy feature-set working smoothly. But if you do have a good feature suggestion, feel free to open an issue / hack on it.

onitreb commented 9 years ago

As a side note: once I hit my free limit on Workflowy I moved over to Diigo outliner. It's a clone of Workflowy, more or less, and has no monthly line limit. And you can have multiple lists.

Can Diigo go out of business? I don't really know how they're still in business, but I've been using them since 2007 and they're still chugging along. :)

alexedev commented 9 years ago

I would recommend to try Checkvist. Good alternative and no limits for list items. They have better keyboard shortcuts too.