abhshkdz / HackFlowy

:notebook: Workflowy clone, built using Backbone.js & Socket.io
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Updates, bugfix, static demo #26

Closed wassname closed 8 years ago

wassname commented 8 years ago

Cheers, wassname

desyncr commented 8 years ago

I'll take a look tomorrow. It looks good so far.

Thanks a lot. Amazing changes!

Edit: too sleepy to type

captn3m0 commented 8 years ago

github page: I also made a fallback static demo so that it can be viewed as a github pages.

This is epic. Does it still need a running heroku instance to fetch the data from?

wassname commented 8 years ago

Thanks! No need for heroku for the demo, it just uses some json demo data I put in the code.

I was considering making it more like laverna which uses localstorage and syncs with dropbox which is a really nice setup. Persisting in the browser using local storage would be pretty easy with backbone.localStorage.

.. but I get too distracted from what I should be working on :)

wassname commented 8 years ago

This fixes Issue #20 and #2, ready for merge.

You might want to also clone my gh-page branch so that the static demo is hosted in the main repository. I don't mind keeping the link to mine though.

And also add a link to the demo in the url part of the project description. I always look at this when I'm searching github!

abhshkdz commented 8 years ago

Thank you @wassname for contributing. :-) Yes, we should clone the gh-pages branch as well. @desyncr are you looking into this? If everything looks fine let's merge this soon.

desyncr commented 8 years ago

@abhshkdz I'm testing this out. Everything looks fine so far so I'll merge it today.

desyncr commented 8 years ago

I see no problems for a merge. Unless somebody see something to note I'll merge at the end of the day.

wassname commented 8 years ago

Oh I think there was a mistake sorry. I meant to merge wassname/master to abhshkdz/master, and seperatly create a new branch called abhshkdz/gh-pages. I think I made the PR from my gh-pages branch sorry.

So ideally we revert abhshkdz/master to before my commits, then merge my commits from wassname/master. Whats the best way to fix that on github, does anyone know?

desyncr commented 8 years ago

Wow such a mess. Well, it's reverted. The issue now is the repository history is a complete mess of commits. I'll rebase and push --force to restore everything to d3e38e461796563039e6a2297a551264f74a01db.

A new PR will be necessary. Thanks again @wassname and sorry for this inconvenience.

desyncr commented 8 years ago

Ok everything back to normal. @wassname you may now create another PR.

wassname commented 8 years ago

I'll do a new PR, sorry about that, thanks for fixing it!