abichinger / vue-js-cron

Renderless Vue.js cron editor
MIT License
67 stars 23 forks source link

NaiveUI Support #26

Closed dogukanoksuz closed 9 months ago

dogukanoksuz commented 1 year ago

I have integrated the core version to Naive UI

I hope this helps.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed } from "vue"

const props = defineProps<{
  cron: string

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (event: "update:cron", arg: string): void

const val = computed({
  get() {
    return props.cron
  set(value) {
    emit("update:cron", value)

  <cron-core v-model="val" v-slot="{ fields, period }">
    <n-space align="center">
      <!-- period selection -->
      {{ period.prefix }}
          @update:value="(_: any, $value: typeof period) => period.events['update:model-value']($value.id)"
          style="width: 200px"
      {{ period.suffix }}

      <!-- cron expression fields -->
      <template v-for="f in fields" :key="f.id">
        {{ f.prefix }}
            @update:value="($e: typeof f) => f.events['update:model-value']($e)"
            style="width: 200px"
        {{ f.suffix }}
abichinger commented 1 year ago

Hey, haven't been aware of Naive UI. Thanks!

Usually I use a button combined with a popover for each field, because the select component of most ui frameworks can't display the options in a grid.

abichinger commented 9 months ago

@vue-js-cron/naive-ui is now availabe on npm