abicky / nodejs-repl.el

Run Node.js REPL and communicate with the process
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comint-previous-input breaks repl input #16

Closed Wilfred closed 6 years ago

Wilfred commented 6 years ago

M-x nodejs-repl. then enter an input:

> x = 1

Press M-p (bound to comint-previous-input) causes the buffer to look like this:

> x = 1
x = 1> 

It's then impossible (as far as I can see) to input more text. Pressing RET repeatedly gives this:

> x = 1
x = 1> x = 1> 
abicky commented 6 years ago

Is this issue reproducible if you load only nodejs-repl without any customizations? I can't reproduce it. Please explain more details about your environment.

Wilfred commented 6 years ago

I can no longer reproduce this. Sorry.

I'm guessing it was a bug in my config elsewhere. I'll reopen if I encounter it again in future.