abidurrahman11 / Pygame-Racing-Car

Pygame Racing Car is a beginner-friendly open source project on GitHub aimed at improving the Pygame-based racing car game. This repository welcomes contributions from anyone interested in enhancing the game's features and functionality.
MIT License
12 stars 19 forks source link

-Added Resizable game window #18 #19

Closed TristanGaldys closed 10 months ago

TristanGaldys commented 10 months ago

-Added variables for Left and Right Lane -Added draw_graphics function so the screen is redrawn when re-sized -Added a speed_factor for the scaled window -Resizing the Car when the window size is changed -message_display added a parameter for the center so you can display text based on the length -Adjusted the size of the models to improve collision -Collision now uses the included .colliderect method -updated game_over so it updates and ends the game -Removed game_over when pressing the wrong direction you can't do it -added .gitignore for high_scores.txt