abidurrahman11 / Pygame-Racing-Car

Pygame Racing Car is a beginner-friendly open source project on GitHub aimed at improving the Pygame-based racing car game. This repository welcomes contributions from anyone interested in enhancing the game's features and functionality.
MIT License
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Resize the screenshots on README and place the images in 1 row #5

Closed abidurrahman11 closed 1 year ago

abidurrahman11 commented 1 year ago

Make the two screenshot little bit smaller in size and put the in the same row.


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Resize the images
  3. Do not delete the original images. Just upload resized images
  4. Change original images by resized images
  5. Update the README by placing two images in one row
  6. Make Pull Request

Make sure you leave a comment on this issue and wait until you are assigned. Then you can create a PR.

maynouf commented 1 year ago

Could resizing the image using html tags like <img src="car.png" alt="car" width="200"/> work instead of resizing & reuploading the images?

maynouf commented 1 year ago

Anyways, I've tested it and it works. If you are interested in this approach, you can assign me the issue and I'll gladly make the PR.

First PR to an open source project btw :)

Egnodia commented 1 year ago

Assign me Pls :)

abidurrahman11 commented 1 year ago

Hey @maynouf you can start working on the project with your idea. Please make sure to add a little bit space between two images.