abims-sbr / adaptsearch

A pipeline for the search of adaptive mutations and positively selected genes from RNASeq orthologs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Naming issue in CDS Search #50

Open lecorguille opened 4 years ago

lecorguille commented 4 years ago

@casteljade reportes that there is a naming issue within the Fasta generated by CDS Search that make issue with CodeML. The dN/dS aren't calculated.


Still under investigation, I'm trying a dummy fasta_name[0:3]

 # nuc
    if filtered_bash_nuc != {} and new_leng_nuc >= MIN_LENGTH_FINAL_ALIGNMENT_NUC:
        OUTnuc=open("%s/%s" %(path_OUT2, new_name), "w")
        for fasta_name in filtered_bash_nuc.keys():
            seq_nuc = filtered_bash_nuc[fasta_name]
            OUTnuc.write("%s\n" %fasta_name[0:3])
            OUTnuc.write("%s\n" %seq_nuc)