abingham / emacs-ycmd

Emacs client for ycmd, the code completion system.
MIT License
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How to selectively disable auto-completion. #184

Open r4nt opened 9 years ago

r4nt commented 9 years ago

Entering the following in shell-mode: $ cd ~x ycm tries to expand this, which can quickly lead to huge load times on large nfs setups where emacs hangs. Can we either disable this or manage it to not hang emacs?

Valloric commented 9 years ago

YCM has encountered this issue as well, and the solution was to have some filetypes in the blacklist by default.

abingham commented 9 years ago

@r4nt Are you sure this is a ycm issue? If I put a buffer in shell-mode and enter

cd ~aus

then company completion will properly complete my home directory. However, under the same conditions ycmd-display-completions doesn't show my home directory as a completion, ergo it looks like some other company backend is doing the directory name completion. In fact, if I disable ycmd-mode for that buffer I still get correct completion via company.

You may be entirely correct that it's emacs-ycmd/ycmd at fault here, but I want to make sure we're chasing the right shadow.