Closed Vonfry closed 7 years ago
What are the contents of your *ycmd-server*
Also are you sure you're in ycmd-mode
at all? Some configurations don't put emacs into ycmd-mode
for javascript files. For example, the spacemacs docs for the ycmd layer say:
Activating ycmd in a major mode By default this layer only activates ycmd for =c++-mode= and =c-mode=.
If you want ycmd support in other modes you might just want to add it for specific languages like:
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'ycmd-mode)
Uh...I use global-ycmd-mode.
The content in *ycmd-server*
buffer is here:
2017-02-10 16:57:28,847 - DEBUG - Global extra conf not loaded or no function YcmCorePreload
serving on
2017-02-10 16:57:28,946 - INFO - Received event notification
2017-02-10 16:57:28,946 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2017-02-10 16:57:28,947 - INFO - Using node binary from: /usr/local/bin/node
2017-02-10 16:57:28,948 - INFO - Starting Tern server...
2017-02-10 16:57:28,950 - DEBUG - Starting tern with the following command: /usr/local/bin/node /Users/vonfry/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/third_party/tern_runtime/node_modules/tern/bin/tern --port 63398 --host --persistent --no-port-file --verbose
2017-02-10 16:57:28,959 - INFO - Tern Server started with pid: 2741 listening on port 63398
2017-02-10 16:57:28,959 - INFO - Tern Server log files are: /var/folders/hh/mmb417c53xx84ykdycyqls100000gn/T/tern_63398_stdout_950rdx.log and /var/folders/hh/mmb417c53xx84ykdycyqls100000gn/T/tern_63398_stderr_UBDNdJ.log
2017-02-10 16:57:28,993 - INFO - Received event notification
2017-02-10 16:57:28,993 - DEBUG - Event name: FileReadyToParse
2017-02-10 16:57:28,993 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /Users/vonfry/test/test.js
2017-02-10 16:57:28,993 - INFO - Detected Tern configuration file at: /Users/vonfry/test/.tern-project
2017-02-10 16:57:28,993 - INFO - Tern paths are relative to: /Users/vonfry/test
2017-02-10 16:57:29,000 - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
It can find the .tern-project
, but I think it isn't run.
If there is no solution, I can ban it in js file and use other tools.
If you put your cursor at the point where you want to do completion and then run M-x ycmd-display-completions
, you should get another buffer containing the raw completion data. Can you post this?
((insertion_text . "add")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn\nAdd elements to the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "addBack")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nAdd the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "addClass")
(detailed_info . "fn(className: string) -> jQuery.fn\nAdds the specified class(es) to each of the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(className: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "after")
(detailed_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert content, specified by the parameter, after each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "ajaxComplete")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn\nRegister a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete. This is an AjaxEvent.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "ajaxError")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn\nRegister a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete with an error. This is an Ajax Event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "ajaxSend")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn\nAttach a function to be executed before an Ajax request is sent. This is an Ajax Event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "ajaxStart")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nRegister a handler to be called when the first Ajax request begins. This is an Ajax Event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "ajaxStop")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nRegister a handler to be called when all Ajax requests have completed. This is an Ajax Event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "ajaxSuccess")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(event: jQuery.Event, req: ?)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "andSelf")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nAttach a function to be executed whenever an Ajax request completes successfully.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "animate")
(detailed_info . "fn(properties: ?, duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nPerform a custom animation of a set of CSS properties.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(properties: ?, duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "append")
(detailed_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "appendTo")
(detailed_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert every element in the set of matched elements to the end of the target.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "attr")
(detailed_info . "fn(name: string, value?: string) -> string\nGet the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more attributes for every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(name: string, value?: string) -> string"))
((insertion_text . "before")
(detailed_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert content, specified by the parameter, before each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "bind")
(detailed_info . "fn(eventType: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nAttach a handler to an event for the elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(eventType: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "blur")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'blur' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "change")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'change' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "children")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the children of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "click")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'click' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "clone")
(detailed_info . "fn(dataAndEvents?: bool, deep?: bool) -> jQuery.fn\nCreate a deep copy of the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(dataAndEvents?: bool, deep?: bool) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "closest")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn\nFor each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "contents")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nGet the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including text and comment nodes.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "context")
(detailed_info . "fn()\nThe DOM node context originally passed to jQuery(); if none was passed then context will likely be the document.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn()"))
((insertion_text . "css")
(detailed_info . "fn(name: string, value?: string) -> string\nGet the value of a style property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more CSS properties for every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(name: string, value?: string) -> string"))
((insertion_text . "data")
(detailed_info . "fn(key: string, value?: ?)\nStore arbitrary data associated with the matched elements or return the value at the named data store for the first element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(key: string, value?: ?)"))
((insertion_text . "dblclick")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'dblclick' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "delay")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration: number, queue?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nSet a timer to delay execution of subsequent items in the queue.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration: number, queue?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "delegate")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string, eventType: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nAttach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, now or in the future, based on a specific set of root elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string, eventType: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "dequeue")
(detailed_info . "fn(queue?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nExecute the next function on the queue for the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(queue?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "detach")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove the set of matched elements from the DOM.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "die")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nRemove event handlers previously attached using .live() from the elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "each")
(detailed_info . "fn(callback: fn(i: number, element: ?)) -> jQuery.fn\nIterate over a jQuery object, executing a function for each matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(callback: fn(i: number, element: ?)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "empty")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nRemove all child nodes of the set of matched elements from the DOM.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "end")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nEnd the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and return the set of matched elements to its previous state.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "eq")
(detailed_info . "fn(i: number) -> jQuery.fn\nReduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(i: number) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "error")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'error' JavaScript event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "fadeIn")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nDisplay the matched elements by fading them to opaque.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "fadeOut")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nHide the matched elements by fading them to transparent.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "fadeTo")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration: number, opacity: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nAdjust the opacity of the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration: number, opacity: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "fadeToggle")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nDisplay or hide the matched elements by animating their opacity.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "filter")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn\nReduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector or pass the function's test.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "find")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "finish")
(detailed_info . "fn(queue?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nStop the currently-running animation, remove all queued animations, and complete all animations for the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(queue?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "first")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nReduce the set of matched elements to the first in the set.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "focusin")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'focusin' event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "focusout")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'focusout' JavaScript event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "get")
(detailed_info . "fn(i: number)\nRetrieve the DOM elements matched by the jQuery object.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(i: number)"))
((insertion_text . "has")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn\nReduce the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant that matches the selector or DOM element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "hasClass")
(detailed_info . "fn(className: string) -> bool\nDetermine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(className: string) -> bool"))
((insertion_text . "height")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> number\nGet the current computed height for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the height of every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> number"))
((insertion_text . "hide")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nHide the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "hover")
(detailed_info . "fn(fnOver: fn(jQuery.Event), fnOut?: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind one or two handlers to the matched elements, to be executed when the mouse pointer enters and leaves the elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(fnOver: fn(jQuery.Event), fnOut?: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "html")
(detailed_info . "fn(htmlString?: string|fn(index: number, oldhtml: string) -> string) -> string|jQuery.fn\nGet the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the HTML contents of every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(htmlString?: string|fn(index: number, oldhtml: string) -> string) -> string|jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "index")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> number\nSearch for a given element from among the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> number"))
((insertion_text . "innerHeight")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> number\nGet the current computed height for the first element in the set of matched elements, including padding but not border.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> number"))
((insertion_text . "innerWidth")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> number\nGet the current computed width for the first element in the set of matched elements, including padding but not border.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> number"))
((insertion_text . "insertAfter")
(detailed_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert every element in the set of matched elements after the target.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "insertBefore")
(detailed_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert every element in the set of matched elements before the target.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "is")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: ?) -> bool\nCheck the current matched set of elements against a selector, element, or jQuery object and return true if at least one of these elements matches the given arguments.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: ?) -> bool"))
((insertion_text . "keydown")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'keydown' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "keypress")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'keypress' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "keyup")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'keyup' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "last")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nReduce the set of matched elements to the final one in the set.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "live")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nAttach an event handler for all elements which match the current selector, now and in the future.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "load")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nLoad data from the server and place the returned HTML into the matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "map")
(detailed_info . "fn(callback: fn(i: number, element: ?)) -> jQuery.fn\nPass each element in the current matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing the return values.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(callback: fn(i: number, element: ?)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mousedown")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'mousedown' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mouseenter")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to be fired when the mouse enters an element, or trigger that handler on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mouseleave")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to be fired when the mouse leaves an element, or trigger that handler on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mousemove")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'mousemove' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mouseout")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'mouseout' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mouseover")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'mouseover' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "mouseup")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'mouseup' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "next")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the immediately following sibling of each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "nextAll")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet all following siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "nextUntil")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string, filter?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet all following siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object passed.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string, filter?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "not")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove elements from the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "off")
(detailed_info . "fn(events: string, selector?: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove an event handler.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(events: string, selector?: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "offset")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> offset\nGet the current coordinates of the first element, or set the coordinates of every element, in the set of matched elements, relative to the document.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> offset"))
((insertion_text . "offsetParent")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nGet the closest ancestor element that is positioned.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "on")
(detailed_info . "fn(events: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nAttach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(events: string, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "one")
(detailed_info . "fn(events: string, data?: ?, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nAttach a handler to an event for the elements. The handler is executed at most once per element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(events: string, data?: ?, handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "outerHeight")
(detailed_info . "fn(includeMargin?: bool) -> number\nGet the current computed height for the first element in the set of matched elements, including padding, border, and optionally margin.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(includeMargin?: bool) -> number"))
((insertion_text . "outerWidth")
(detailed_info . "fn(includeMargin?: bool) -> number\nGet the current computed width for the first element in the set of matched elements, including padding and border.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(includeMargin?: bool) -> number"))
((insertion_text . "parent")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the parent of each element in the current set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "parents")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "parentsUntil")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string, filter?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string, filter?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "position")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> offset\nGet the current coordinates of the first element in the set of matched elements, relative to the offset parent.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> offset"))
((insertion_text . "prepend")
(detailed_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert content, specified by the parameter, to the beginning of each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(content: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "prependTo")
(detailed_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nInsert every element in the set of matched elements to the beginning of the target.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "prev")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "prevAll")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet all preceding siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "prevUntil")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string, filter?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet all preceding siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string, filter?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "promise")
(detailed_info . "fn(type?: string, target: ?) -> jQuery.Promise\nReturn a Promise object to observe when all actions of a certain type bound to the collection, queued or not, have finished.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(type?: string, target: ?) -> jQuery.Promise"))
((insertion_text . "prop")
(detailed_info . "fn(name: string, value?: string) -> string\nGet the value of a property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more properties for every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(name: string, value?: string) -> string"))
((insertion_text . "pushStack")
(detailed_info . "fn(elements: [?]) -> jQuery.fn\nAdd a collection of DOM elements onto the jQuery stack.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(elements: [?]) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "queue")
(detailed_info . "fn(queue?: string) -> [?]\nShow or manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(queue?: string) -> [?]"))
((insertion_text . "ready")
(detailed_info . "fn(fn: fn(jQuery.fn)) -> jQuery.fn\nSpecify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(fn: fn(jQuery.fn)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "remove")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove the set of matched elements from the DOM.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "removeAttr")
(detailed_info . "fn(attrName: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove an attribute from each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(attrName: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "removeClass")
(detailed_info . "fn(className?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove a single class, multiple classes, or all classes from each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(className?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "removeData")
(detailed_info . "fn(name?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove a previously-stored piece of data.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(name?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "removeProp")
(detailed_info . "fn(propName: string) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove a property for the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(propName: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "replaceAll")
(detailed_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nReplace each target element with the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(target: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "replaceWith")
(detailed_info . "fn(newContent: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nReplace each element in the set of matched elements with the provided new content and return the set of elements that was removed.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(newContent: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "resize")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'resize' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "scroll")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'scroll' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "select")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'select' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "serialize")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> string\nEncode a set of form elements as a string for submission.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> string"))
((insertion_text . "serializeArray")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> [keyvalue]\nEncode a set of form elements as an array of names and values.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> [keyvalue]"))
((insertion_text . "show")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nDisplay the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "siblings")
(detailed_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn\nGet the siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(selector?: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "size")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> number\nReturn the number of elements in the jQuery object.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> number"))
((insertion_text . "slice")
(detailed_info . "fn(start: number, end: number) -> jQuery.fn\nReduce the set of matched elements to a subset specified by a range of indices.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(start: number, end: number) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "slideDown")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nDisplay the matched elements with a sliding motion.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "slideToggle")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nDisplay or hide the matched elements with a sliding motion.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "slideUp")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nHide the matched elements with a sliding motion.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "stop")
(detailed_info . "fn(clearQueue?: bool, jumpToEnd?: bool) -> jQuery.fn\nStop the currently-running animation on the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(clearQueue?: bool, jumpToEnd?: bool) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "submit")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'submit' JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "text")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> string\nGet the combined text contents of each element in the set of matched elements, including their descendants, or set the text contents of the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> string"))
((insertion_text . "toArray")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> [?]\nRetrieve all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set, as an array.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> [?]"))
((insertion_text . "toggle")
(detailed_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nDisplay or hide the matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(duration?: number, complete?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "toggleClass")
(detailed_info . "fn(className: string) -> jQuery.fn\nAdd or remove one or more classes from each element in the set of matched elements, depending on either the class's presence or the value of the switch argument.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(className: string) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "trigger")
(detailed_info . "fn(eventType: string, params: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nExecute all handlers and behaviors attached to the matched elements for the given event type.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(eventType: string, params: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "triggerHandler")
(detailed_info . "fn(eventType: string, params: ?)\nExecute all handlers attached to an element for an event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(eventType: string, params: ?)"))
((insertion_text . "unbind")
(detailed_info . "fn(eventType?: string, handler?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn\nRemove a previously-attached event handler from the elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(eventType?: string, handler?: fn()) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "undelegate")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nRemove a handler from the event for all elements which match the current selector, based upon a specific set of root elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "unload")
(detailed_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn\nBind an event handler to the 'unload' JavaScript event.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(handler: fn(jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "unwrap")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn\nRemove the parents of the set of matched elements from the DOM, leaving the matched elements in their place.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "val")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> string\nGet the current value of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the value of every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> string"))
((insertion_text . "width")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> number\nGet the current computed width for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the width of every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> number"))
((insertion_text . "wrap")
(detailed_info . "fn(wrappingElement: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nWrap an HTML structure around each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(wrappingElement: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "wrapAll")
(detailed_info . "fn(wrappingElement: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nWrap an HTML structure around all elements in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(wrappingElement: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "wrapInner")
(detailed_info . "fn(wrappingElement: ?) -> jQuery.fn\nWrap an HTML structure around the content of each element in the set of matched elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(wrappingElement: ?) -> jQuery.fn"))
((insertion_text . "jquery")
(detailed_info . "string\nA string containing the jQuery version number.")
(extra_menu_info . "string"))
((insertion_text . "length")
(detailed_info . "number\nThe number of elements in the jQuery object.")
(extra_menu_info . "number"))
((insertion_text . "scrollLeft")
(detailed_info . "number\nGet the current horizontal position of the scroll bar for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the horizontal position of the scroll bar for every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "number"))
((insertion_text . "scrollTop")
(detailed_info . "number\nGet the current vertical position of the scroll bar for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the vertical position of the scroll bar for every matched element.")
(extra_menu_info . "number"))
((insertion_text . "selector")
(detailed_info . "string\nA selector representing selector passed to jQuery(), if any, when creating the original set.")
(extra_menu_info . "string"))
((insertion_text . "push")
(detailed_info . "fn(newelt: ?) -> number\nMutates an array by appending the given elements and returning the new length of the array.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(newelt: ?) -> number"))
((insertion_text . "sort")
(detailed_info . "fn(compare?: fn(a: ?, b: ?) -> number)\nSorts the elements of an array in place and returns the array.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(compare?: fn(a: ?, b: ?) -> number)"))
((insertion_text . "splice")
(detailed_info . "fn(pos: number, amount: number, newelt?: ?) -> [?]\nChanges the content of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(pos: number, amount: number, newelt?: ?) -> [?]"))
((insertion_text . "toString")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> string\nReturns a string representing the object.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> string"))
((insertion_text . "toLocaleString")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> string\nReturns a string representing the object. This method is meant to be overriden by derived objects for locale-specific purposes.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> string"))
((insertion_text . "valueOf")
(detailed_info . "fn() -> number\nReturns the primitive value of the specified object")
(extra_menu_info . "fn() -> number"))
((insertion_text . "hasOwnProperty")
(detailed_info . "fn(prop: string) -> bool\nReturns a boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(prop: string) -> bool"))
((insertion_text . "propertyIsEnumerable")
(detailed_info . "fn(prop: string) -> bool\nReturns a Boolean indicating whether the specified property is enumerable.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(prop: string) -> bool"))
((insertion_text . "isPrototypeOf")
(detailed_info . "fn(obj: ?) -> bool\nTests for an object in another object's prototype chain.")
(extra_menu_info . "fn(obj: ?) -> bool")))
(completion_start_column . 12))
This means that ycmd is producing results, and that emacs-ycmd is able to fetch them. The problem probably lies in company and/or company-ycmd. Let me look into that...
I can't find any problem with company-ycmd
. It works fine for me, so my guess is that you've got a configuration issue. I know that's not the most comforting news, though! Perhaps you can take a look at my spacemacs configuration and see what you might be missing.
Thx. I'll check it again.
I'm a new from emacs. I used vim for some years. And I can use youcompleteme to complete with javascript with ternjs. But this thing cannot be run in emacs-ycmd. If I open a file named
, ycmd shows red underline with the code and nothing can be completed (I'm sure the reason from ycmd. I tried remove emacs-ycmd and the red underline is disappeared.) One of the pictures is MacVim, the other is emacs.I use company with ycmd and it can be worked correctly in cpp or other mode.