abinit / pseudo_dojo

Python framework for generating and validating pseudo potentials
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Lattice parameter wrong by 8% with FR PBEsol for KTaO3 #111

Open bretzel15 opened 5 years ago

bretzel15 commented 5 years ago

Dear pseudo-dojo people,

thank you very much for your work here! I just found one problem with one of the pps from your project:

The PBE pseudopotentials for K, Ta and O seem to be fine for lattice parameter calculations, but trying the PBEsol versions, I found out that the FR pps minimize the energy at a lattice parameter of around 4.3 A, which is almost 8% off the experimental one of 3.9885 A (see attached figure showing the total energy difference versus different lattice parameters), calculated with QE 6.3.

Calculations with the SR PBEsol pps end up at 3.977 A, while both PBE pps end up around 4.02 A (see attached images, which is in reasonable agreement with the experimental one.

Do you maybe know why the FR PBEsol are off that far? Is this a known problem?

Best, Tobias

PBEsol FR with problems image

PBEsol SR image

PBE FR image