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Get Estonian ID card (€100+0.99) #4

Closed abitrolly closed 8 years ago

abitrolly commented 8 years ago


Needed to open a company in Estonia (#3)

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

No direct link to how to get ID card.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Moving to https://e-estonia.com/e-residents/about/

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Found procedure in e-Residency speaking points

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Background check 10 working days + pick up, not more than a month.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Finished reading. Got to the form - https://apply.e-estonia.com/

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Filling application...

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Got photoes (unprocessed) of everything.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Document photo is ready.. Processing own photo according to requirements..


abitrolly commented 8 years ago

GIMP template is ready..


abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Own photo is ready.. Filling form fields.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Cost plus credit card service fee 0.99€.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

My motivation:

I want to create Open Company http://www.opencompany.org/ but it is hard in Belarus. In Belarus access to basic laws is provided through a paywall, this creates a market for lawyers, who want from $20 (oral) to $150 (written) for consultation to confirm every step of your company creation. And I couldn't find any official documents explaining all the options in human friendly form.

We are trying to build framework called "Honest Crowdfunding" that helps charity organizations reach transparency by making their campaign progress and expenses open. We've won nomination for "best solution in crowd-economy" in FinTech hackaton in Minsk this Autumn, and so far we can't receive any money due to legal fears and uncertainty to get to development, so I decided to try this opportunity.

I hope to see a clarity of how can we receive money internationally and pay all the taxes needed.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Need to get 50.99EUR to card.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago
abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Application expired. Filling again.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Filled the form again. Reworded motivation.

I want to create and run an open company - http://www.opencompany.org/ - in Belarus. Dealing this in my country is connected with high risk, linked to fears and uncertainty of procedures and requirements. The situation is complicated, because in Belarus access to basic laws online is provided by government through a paywall. This supposedly creates an artificial market for legal services, but as a result it is impossible to reference documents and discuss changes in open way.

Legal advice from lawyers costs from $20 (oral) to $150 (written) to confirm every step of your company creation. And I couldn't find any official documents explaining all the options in human friendly form.

One of the projects that I want to implement is a framework called "Honest Crowdfunding" that helps charity organizations reach transparency by making their campaign progress and expenses open. We've won nomination for "the best solution in crowd-economy" in FinTech hackaton in Minsk this Autumn.

I hope to reach transparency on how to receive money internationally and pay all the taxes needed. Transparency that allows people do awesome things with full understanding on how economy is fueled. By opening a company in e-Estonia I'd like to show an example for positive transformations in Belarus.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Payment service provided by NETS Estonia.. Done.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Confirmation email.

Thank you for applying for e-Residency. Your application has been submitted and will be reviewed shortly. You will be notified when the application review process begins. If your application is approved, your e-Resident smart ID-card will be sent to your chosen location. The whole process will take about a month. However, as e-Residency is in the beta stage and the number of applications is currently greater than anticipated, we highly appreciate your patience. The Estonian Police and Border Guard Board will keep you informed about the application process by sending progress reports to the e-mail address you provided in the application.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Found notification in email that the residence fee will raise to €100 from 1st of February, 2016.

I want to thank the 8,000 members of the e-Residency community. Your enthusiasm has warmed our hearts and your rapidly growing numbers have pushed us to strive even harder to make the e-residency application process smoother. We have already made some important improvements to the process and we have more in the works.

In connection with these improvements, starting from February 1, 2016 the application fee for e-Residency will rise from 50€ to 100€*. The increase directly reflects the growing demand for e-Residency and the cost of scaling up services to meet that demand. While the introductory 50€ price made it easy for us to gain momentum, the 100€ fee will help us ensure that e-Residency remains sustainable going forward.

The increased application fee will help us provide the 50,000th e-resident with the same level efficiency and personalized service we provided the 5,000th. Specifically, we’ll be bringing on additional support staff and automating key aspects of the application process.

Thank you for helping us develop the e-Residency programme.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Received approval on 2016-01-20 (6 days ago), application was received on 2016-01-05, so it took 2 weeks to process request during holidays.


Estonian Police and Border Guard Board has granted e-Residency to ANATOLI BABENIA born on 07.06.19xx.

You will be notified upon the document’s arrival to the place of issue marked on the application form.

Sincerely, Police and Border Guard Board www.politsei.ee info@politsei.ee Client information (+372) 612 3000

e-Residency support: e-resident@gov.ee

abitrolly commented 8 years ago
abitrolly commented 8 years ago


Мы рады сообщить, что заказанная Вами карточка диги-ID э-резидента прибылa в Эстонское Посольство в Минске и готовa к выдаче.

Для получения документа Вам необходимо записаться на приём к консулу. Записаться можно либо через электронный календарь в интернете (https://rakendused.vm.ee/consul/broneerimine/index.php?keel_id=3 ), либо в рабочее время по телефону +375 17 217 7060. В назначенное время Вам необходимо прийти лично в консульскую службу Посольства, обязательно взяв с собой свои паспорт .


Пожалуйста, приходите за документами в первое же возможное время. Документы хранятся в Посольстве 6 месяцев, после этого документы отправляются обратно в Эс&#1090 ;онию для уничтожения.

С уважением

Консульская Служба Эстонского Посольства в Минске

Платонова 1б, 6 подъезд


abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Appointment scheduled on 10:45 19 Feb 2016 https://www.google.by/maps/place/%D0%90%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0+%D0%AD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%96%D1%96/@53.9046765,27.5870795,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x46dbcfb148836805:0x1c55ce2ec021fd87

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

It was promised that fee will raise from €50 to €100.

abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Got the card on 19 Feb 2016. E-Resident digi-ID card is valid for 3 years.



abitrolly commented 8 years ago

Certificates for e-Resident Digi-ID N0115296 have been activated and the document is ready
for digital use.

Welcome to e-Estonia! 
abitrolly commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/abitrolly/opencompany/issues/4#issuecomment-175198289 misses the critical info that the card is valid till 19.01.2019