abizovnuralem / go2_ros2_sdk

Unofficial ROS2 SDK support for Unitree GO2 AIR/PRO/EDU
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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How to move forward for n meter? #55

Closed Lin-jun-xiang closed 1 month ago

Lin-jun-xiang commented 1 month ago

No matter how I set the speed, the distance moved is same and a little bit.

conn = Go2Connection(
    on_open=lambda: logger.info("Data channel opened"),
    on_validated=lambda _: logger.info("Robot validated"),
    on_message=lambda msg, _, __: logger.info(f"Message received: {msg}")

# after connected...
cmd = gen_command(cmd=1008, x=1.0, y=0., z=0.)

cmd = gen_command(cmd=1008, x=3.0, y=0., z=0.)
abizovnuralem commented 1 month ago

gen_command has some filter. You need to do some change on it/

Lin-jun-xiang commented 1 month ago


This is my define gen_command, which will send like gen_mov_command in this project.

def gen_command(
    cmd: int,
    topic: str = "rt/api/sport/request",
    parameters = cmd if not kwarg else kwarg

    command = {
                "type": "msg", 
                "topic": topic, 
                "data": {
                                    "id": generate_id(), 
                                    "api_id": cmd
                    "parameter": json.dumps(parameters)          
    command = json.dumps(command)
    return command

def gen_mov_command(x: float, y: float, z: float):
    command = {
        "type": "msg", 
        "topic": "rt/api/sport/request", 
        "data": {
                            "id": generate_id(), 
                            "api_id": 1008
            "parameter": json.dumps(
                    "x": x, 
                    "y": y, 
                    "z": z

    command = json.dumps(command)
    return command
Lin-jun-xiang commented 1 month ago


I have seen the example from official document:

#include <unitree/robot/client/client.hpp>
#include <unitree/robot/go2/sport/sport_client.hpp>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  if (argc < 2)
    std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " networkInterface" << std::endl;
  unitree::robot::ChannelFactory::Instance()->Init(0, argv[1]);

  unitree::robot::go2::SportClient sport_client;
  int moveTime = 3; // move 3 second
  auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    sport_client.Move(0.2,0,0); //设置X方向上期望速度,控制Go2机器人向前走一段距离
    sport_client.BodyHeight(-0.07); //降低身体高度

    // 获取当前时间点
    auto currentTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    // 计算经过的时间
    auto elapsedTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(currentTime - startTime);
    // 如果经过的时间大于等于两秒,退出循环
    if (elapsedTime.count() >= moveTime) 

    sport_client.BodyHeight(0); // 恢复默认高度
    return 0;

However, if I use a while loop to control go2, the data_channel will get a lot of message.

After the while loop completing, the go2 will still move until kill the running thread. (In my case, the thread should be keep.)

def gen_command(
    cmd: int,
    topic: str = "rt/api/sport/request",
    parameters = cmd if not kwarg else kwarg

    command = {
                "type": "msg", 
                "topic": topic, 
                "data": {
                                    "id": generate_id(), 
                                    "api_id": cmd
                    "parameter": json.dumps(parameters)          
    command = json.dumps(command)
    return command

start_time = time.time()
move_time = 2

while True:
    conn.data_channel.send(gen_command(1008, x=-0.2, y=0, z=0))

    current_time = time.time()

    if (current_time - start_time) >= move_time:
        conn.data_channel.send(gen_command(1008, x=0., y=0, z=0))
        conn.data_channel.send(gen_command(1003)) # StopMove
        print('Stop Move')