Closed abjerner closed 9 years ago
For an extended media that is a Twitter video, information about that video is provided in the JSON.
Here is an example of such an entity (see tweet):
{ "id": 655135486290190336, "id_str": "655135486290190336", "indices": [ 79, 101 ], "media_url": "", "media_url_https": "", "url": "", "display_url": "", "expanded_url": "", "type": "video", "sizes": { "thumb": { "w": 150, "h": 150, "resize": "crop" }, "medium": { "w": 600, "h": 338, "resize": "fit" }, "small": { "w": 340, "h": 191, "resize": "fit" }, "large": { "w": 1024, "h": 576, "resize": "fit" } }, "video_info": { "aspect_ratio": [ 16, 9 ], "duration_millis": 6000, "variants": [ { "content_type": "application/dash+xml", "url": "" }, { "bitrate": 832000, "content_type": "video/webm", "url": "" }, { "content_type": "application/x-mpegURL", "url": "" }, { "bitrate": 320000, "content_type": "video/mp4", "url": "" }, { "bitrate": 832000, "content_type": "video/mp4", "url": "" }, { "bitrate": 2176000, "content_type": "video/mp4", "url": "" } ] } }
Implemented and will be part of the next release ;)
For an extended media that is a Twitter video, information about that video is provided in the JSON.
Here is an example of such an entity (see tweet):