ablab / spades

SPAdes Genome Assembler
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Hybid assemble: Error correction and assembling warnings: #17

Closed guokai8 closed 7 years ago

guokai8 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I use spades for hybrid assemble with illumina reads and Pacbio Sequel reads. It reports the warnings as below:

=== Error correction and assembling warnings:
 * 32:42:52.332   107G / 311G  WARN   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  59)   Less than half of genome in unique edges!
======= Warnings saved to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/warnings.log

SPAdes log can be found here: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/spades.log

And the result show the longest scaffolds in the scaffolds.fasta file only 70kb. Below is the command I used:

/home/data1/spades/bin/spades.py -t 80 --memory 850 -1 ../g1_R1.clean.fq -2 ../g1_R2.clean.fq --pacbio ../../m54061_170321_090037.subreads.bam.fastq -o ass4 >spades.out 2>&1
asl commented 7 years ago

Will you please provide us the spades.log file?

guokai8 commented 7 years ago

I paste the log file below

Command line: /home/data1/spades/bin/spades.py  -t  80  --memory    850 -1  /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R1.clean.fq  -2  /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R2.clean.fq  --pacbio    /dat1/Rose_Denovo/m54061_170321_090037.subreads.bam.fastq   -o  /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4   

System information:
  SPAdes version: 3.10.1
  Python version: 2.7.5
  OS: Linux-3.10.0-514.6.1.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.3.1611-Core

Output dir: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4
Mode: read error correction and assembling
Debug mode is turned OFF

Dataset parameters:
  Multi-cell mode (you should set '--sc' flag if input data was obtained with MDA (single-cell) technology or --meta flag if processing metagenomic dataset)
    Library number: 1, library type: paired-end
      orientation: fr
      left reads: ['/dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R1.clean.fq']
      right reads: ['/dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R2.clean.fq']
      interlaced reads: not specified
      single reads: not specified
    Library number: 2, library type: pacbio
      left reads: not specified
      right reads: not specified
      interlaced reads: not specified
      single reads: ['/dat1/Rose_Denovo/m54061_170321_090037.subreads.bam.fastq']
Read error correction parameters:
  Iterations: 1
  PHRED offset will be auto-detected
  Corrected reads will be compressed (with gzip)
Assembly parameters:
  k: automatic selection based on read length
  Repeat resolution is enabled
  Mismatch careful mode is turned OFF
  MismatchCorrector will be SKIPPED
  Coverage cutoff is turned OFF
Other parameters:
  Dir for temp files: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/tmp
  Threads: 80
  Memory limit (in Gb): 850

======= SPAdes pipeline started. Log can be found here: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/spades.log

===== Read error correction started. 

== Running read error correction tool: /home/data1/spades/bin/hammer /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/corrected/configs/config.info

  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  83)   Starting BayesHammer, built from N/A, git revision N/A
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  84)   Loading config from /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/corrected/configs/config.info
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (memory_limit.hpp          :  47)   Memory limit set to 850 Gb
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  93)   Trying to determine PHRED offset
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  99)   Determined value is 33
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          :  36)   Hamming graph threshold tau=1, k=21, subkmer positions = [ 0 10 ]
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 120)   Size of aux. kmer data 24 bytes
     === ITERATION 0 begins ===
  0:00:00.003     4M / 4M    INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  0:00:00.003     4M / 4M    INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             :  91)   Splitting kmer instances into 1280 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:00:00.004     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:00:00.004     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54165 Gb
  0:00:00.004     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 52428
  0:00:07.489    44G / 44G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             :  98)   Processing /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R1.clean.fq
  0:02:09.998    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 16476269 reads
  0:04:08.972    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 33353032 reads
  0:06:08.180    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 50169627 reads
  0:08:07.715    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 66904716 reads
  0:10:06.182    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 83429326 reads
  0:11:59.640    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 99547766 reads
  0:13:56.317    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 115940690 reads
  0:15:55.021    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 132519237 reads
  0:17:52.917    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 148494489 reads
  0:19:57.762    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 165217882 reads
  0:22:05.897    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 182129007 reads
  0:24:06.094    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 198231754 reads
  0:26:09.368    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 214645391 reads
  0:34:02.551    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 281318327 reads
  0:35:51.586    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             :  98)   Processing /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R2.clean.fq
  1:07:48.907    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 108)   Processed 553157144 reads
  1:12:52.635    44G / 46G   INFO   K-mer Splitting          (kmer_data.cpp             : 113)   Total 590824020 reads processed
  1:12:57.185   324M / 46G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  1:18:04.705   324M / 46G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 3834850610 kmers in total.
  1:18:04.706   324M / 46G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  1:23:22.758   324M / 46G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  1:26:45.873     1G / 95G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  1:31:57.726     1G / 95G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 1252917728 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  1:31:57.739     1G / 95G   INFO   K-mer Counting           (kmer_data.cpp             : 359)   Arranging kmers in hash map order
  1:34:33.463    58G / 95G   INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 155)   Clustering Hamming graph.
  2:06:43.308    58G / 95G   INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 162)   Extracting clusters
  3:02:13.666    58G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 174)   Clustering done. Total clusters: 957871146
  3:02:13.764    30G / 123G  INFO   K-mer Counting           (kmer_data.cpp             : 381)   Collecting K-mer information, this takes a while.
  3:03:16.798   115G / 123G  INFO   K-mer Counting           (kmer_data.cpp             : 387)   Processing /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R1.clean.fq
  3:26:53.222   115G / 123G  INFO   K-mer Counting           (kmer_data.cpp             : 387)   Processing /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R2.clean.fq
  3:49:42.562   115G / 123G  INFO   K-mer Counting           (kmer_data.cpp             : 394)   Collection done, postprocessing.
  3:50:07.025   115G / 123G  INFO   K-mer Counting           (kmer_data.cpp             : 408)   There are 3834850610 kmers in total. Among them 2660803024 (69.3848%) are singletons.
  3:50:07.026   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 180)   Subclustering Hamming graph
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 649)   Subclustering done. Total 586871 non-read kmers were generated.
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 650)   Subclustering statistics:
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 651)     Total singleton hamming clusters: 620380542. Among them 260312482 (41.9601%) are good
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 652)     Total singleton subclusters: 25312501. Among them 24686038 (97.5251%) are good
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 653)     Total non-singleton subcluster centers: 493901360. Among them 414243509 (83.8717%) are good
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 654)     Average size of non-trivial subcluster: 6.51088 kmers
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 655)     Average number of sub-clusters per non-singleton cluster: 1.53845
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 656)     Total solid k-mers: 699242029
  4:41:09.701   115G / 123G  INFO   Hamming Subclustering    (kmer_cluster.cpp          : 657)     Substitution probabilities: [4,4]((0.904209,0.0379498,0.0310598,0.0267815),(0.0348048,0.906576,0.0208388,0.0377803),(0.0366827,0.0204375,0.907209,0.0356711),(0.0262999,0.0310742,0.0379198,0.904706))
  4:41:13.206   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 185)   Finished clustering.
  4:41:13.206   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 204)   Starting solid k-mers expansion in 80 threads.
  5:13:44.999   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 0 produced 460763768 new k-mers.
  5:45:31.327   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 1 produced 21356995 new k-mers.
  6:15:52.904   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 2 produced 1330706 new k-mers.
  6:45:11.243   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 3 produced 143745 new k-mers.
  7:14:24.164   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 4 produced 25083 new k-mers.
  7:43:47.707   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 5 produced 7575 new k-mers.
  8:13:05.946   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 6 produced 2480 new k-mers.
  8:42:04.786   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 7 produced 350 new k-mers.
  9:10:59.768   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 8 produced 80 new k-mers.
  9:39:56.676   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 225)   Solid k-mers iteration 9 produced 0 new k-mers.
  9:39:56.676   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 229)   Solid k-mers finalized
  9:39:56.676   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 211)   Starting read correction in 80 threads.
  9:39:56.676   115G / 123G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 222)   Correcting pair of reads: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R1.clean.fq and /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/girose1_R2.clean.fq
  9:40:22.474   123G / 123G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 0 of 8000000 reads.
  9:41:02.947   124G / 124G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 0
  9:41:19.924   124G / 124G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 0
  9:41:43.935   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 1 of 8000000 reads.
  9:42:21.754   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 1
  9:43:05.867   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 1
  9:43:28.091   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 2 of 8000000 reads.
  9:44:07.701   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 2
  9:44:32.068   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 2
  9:44:56.332   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 3 of 8000000 reads.
  9:45:34.661   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 3
  9:46:13.423   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 3
  9:46:34.131   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 4 of 8000000 reads.
  9:47:12.886   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 4
  9:48:16.580   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 4
  9:48:36.876   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 5 of 8000000 reads.
  9:49:16.031   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 5
  9:49:40.019   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 5
  9:50:00.982   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 6 of 8000000 reads.
  9:50:42.093   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 6
  9:51:43.418   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 6
  9:52:07.011   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 7 of 8000000 reads.
  9:52:43.598   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 7
  9:53:01.266   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 7
  9:53:24.959   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 8 of 8000000 reads.
  9:54:02.263   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 8
  9:54:39.942   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 8
  9:55:02.914   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 9 of 8000000 reads.
  9:55:46.543   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 9
  9:56:12.350   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 9
  9:56:35.335   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 10 of 8000000 reads.
  9:57:13.736   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 10
  9:57:45.332   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 10
  9:58:08.046   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 11 of 8000000 reads.
  9:58:48.306   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 11
  9:59:57.045   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 11
 10:00:19.488   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 12 of 8000000 reads.
 10:00:57.354   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 12
 10:02:01.194   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 12
 10:02:22.139   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 13 of 8000000 reads.
 10:02:59.428   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 13
 10:03:48.864   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 13
 10:04:11.041   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 14 of 8000000 reads.
 10:04:49.423   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 14
 10:05:06.892   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 14
 10:05:30.718   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 15 of 8000000 reads.
 10:06:07.270   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 15
 10:06:34.542   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 15
 10:06:58.873   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 16 of 8000000 reads.
 10:07:37.487   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 16
 10:08:05.667   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 16
 10:08:27.127   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 17 of 8000000 reads.
 10:09:04.641   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 17
 10:09:40.242   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 17
 10:10:01.446   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 18 of 8000000 reads.
 10:10:41.957   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 18
 10:11:00.233   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 18
 10:11:24.487   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 19 of 8000000 reads.
 10:12:04.315   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 19
 10:13:05.327   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 19
 10:13:27.887   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 20 of 8000000 reads.
 10:14:17.538   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 20
 10:14:35.706   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 20
 10:14:56.657   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 21 of 8000000 reads.
 10:15:49.356   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 21
 10:16:17.387   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 21
 10:16:40.137   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 22 of 8000000 reads.
 10:17:19.790   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 22
 10:17:50.637   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 22
 10:18:12.608   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 23 of 8000000 reads.
 10:18:53.788   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 23
 10:19:59.033   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 23
 10:20:21.530   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 24 of 8000000 reads.
 10:21:04.476   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 24
 10:21:26.474   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 24
 10:21:48.726   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 25 of 8000000 reads.
 10:22:32.984   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 25
 10:23:08.927   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 25
 10:23:31.234   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 26 of 8000000 reads.
 10:24:13.989   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 26
 10:24:30.571   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 26
 10:24:51.843   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 27 of 8000000 reads.
 10:25:39.034   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 27
 10:26:05.180   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 27
 10:26:28.668   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 28 of 8000000 reads.
 10:27:08.837   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 28
 10:27:41.818   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 28
 10:28:02.334   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 29 of 8000000 reads.
 10:28:45.251   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 29
 10:29:03.138   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 29
 10:29:26.141   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 30 of 8000000 reads.
 10:30:07.770   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 30
 10:30:42.757   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 30
 10:31:05.554   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 31 of 8000000 reads.
 10:31:42.683   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 31
 10:32:54.165   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 31
 10:33:18.653   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 32 of 8000000 reads.
 10:33:57.323   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 32
 10:34:14.771   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 32
 10:34:35.185   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 33 of 8000000 reads.
 10:35:12.477   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 33
 10:35:48.459   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 33
 10:36:08.792   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 34 of 8000000 reads.
 10:36:49.065   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 34
 10:37:45.160   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 34
 10:38:08.011   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 35 of 8000000 reads.
 10:38:44.812   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 35
 10:39:51.710   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 35
 10:40:14.022   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 166)   Prepared batch 36 of 7412010 reads.
 10:40:47.551   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 175)   Processed batch 36
 10:41:42.496   125G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 185)   Written batch 36
 10:41:59.123   115G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 270)   Correction done. Changed 85323918 bases in 56680709 reads.
 10:41:59.123   115G / 125G  INFO    General                 (hammer_tools.cpp          : 271)   Failed to correct 190042 bases out of 86969036040.
 10:42:00.041   320M / 125G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 262)   Saving corrected dataset description to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/corrected/corrected.yaml
 10:42:00.045   320M / 125G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 269)   All done. Exiting.

== Compressing corrected reads (with gzip)

== Dataset description file was created: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/corrected/corrected.yaml

===== Read error correction finished. 

===== Assembling started.

== Running assembler: K21

  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  75)   Loading config from /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/K21/configs/config.info
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (memory_limit.hpp          :  47)   Memory limit set to 850 Gb
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  88)   Starting SPAdes, built from N/A, git revision N/A
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  89)   Maximum k-mer length: 128
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  90)   Assembling dataset (/dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/dataset.info) with K=21
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  51)   SPAdes started
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  58)   Starting from stage: construction
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  61)   Two-step RR enabled: 0
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Construction
  0:00:00.003     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (read_converter.hpp        :  84)   Converting reads to binary format for library #0 (takes a while)
  0:00:00.003     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (read_converter.hpp        :  85)   Converting paired reads
  0:00:06.917    84M / 84M   INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   16384 reads processed
  0:00:07.052    96M / 96M   INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   32768 reads processed
  0:00:07.315   128M / 128M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   65536 reads processed
  0:00:07.836   184M / 184M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   131072 reads processed
  0:00:08.859   304M / 304M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   262144 reads processed
  0:00:10.952   548M / 548M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   524288 reads processed
  0:00:16.259   928M / 928M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   1048576 reads processed
  0:00:25.314   948M / 948M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   2097152 reads processed
  0:00:43.731   984M / 996M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   4194304 reads processed
  0:01:24.104   980M / 996M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   8388608 reads processed
  0:02:44.607   992M / 996M  INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   16777216 reads processed
  0:05:28.082  1004M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   33554432 reads processed
  0:11:11.504   984M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   67108864 reads processed
  0:22:30.948   976M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   134217728 reads processed
  0:45:22.831  1008M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   268435456 reads processed
  0:50:01.501   976M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 159)   295374451 reads written
  0:50:03.193     8M / 1G    INFO    General                 (read_converter.hpp        :  94)   Converting single reads
  0:50:03.430   140M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   16384 reads processed
  0:50:03.512   148M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 139)   32768 reads processed
  0:50:03.600   148M / 1G    INFO    General                 (binary_converter.hpp      : 159)   37253 reads written
  0:50:06.392     8M / 1G    INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 120)   Constructing DeBruijn graph for k=21
  0:50:06.393     8M / 1G    INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 129)   Splitting kmer instances into 6400 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:50:06.396     4M / 1G    INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:50:06.396     4M / 1G    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54165 Gb
  0:50:06.396     4M / 1G    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 16384
  0:51:22.923    70G / 70G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 50412969 reads
  0:52:21.630    70G / 70G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 102061435 reads
  0:53:18.987    70G / 70G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 153286056 reads
  0:54:17.378    70G / 70G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 205156281 reads
  0:55:16.359    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 257963006 reads
  0:56:16.000    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 311533511 reads
  0:57:15.557    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 361960176 reads
  0:58:15.556    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 413389309 reads
  0:59:15.731    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 464836832 reads
  1:00:14.773    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 516425993 reads
  1:01:14.755    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 569290087 reads
  1:02:14.884    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 622216972 reads
  1:03:19.278    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 675613583 reads
  1:04:21.482    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 728385595 reads
  1:05:22.257    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 781101137 reads
  1:11:26.227    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1097649497 reads
  1:13:15.633    70G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 159)   Adding contigs from previous K
  1:13:23.332   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 172)   Used 1181572310 reads. Maximum read length 150
  1:13:23.332   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 173)   Average read length 147.202
  1:13:23.332   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  1:14:53.940   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 898773629 kmers in total.
  1:14:53.941   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  1:16:15.663   356M / 71G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  1:16:15.663   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 285)   Splitting kmer instances into 1280 buckets. This might take a while.
  1:16:15.664   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  1:16:15.664   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54022 Gb
  1:16:15.664   356M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 52428
  1:17:46.725    44G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 898773629 kmers
  1:17:46.726    44G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 309)   Used 898773629 kmers.
  1:17:49.816   364M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  1:18:52.520   364M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 862516838 kmers in total.
  1:18:52.520   364M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  1:20:04.569   364M / 71G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  1:21:00.959   620M / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  1:22:07.495   620M / 71G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 281800552 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  1:22:08.325     1G / 71G   INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  85)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers
  1:22:35.705     1G / 71G   INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  89)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers finished.
  1:22:35.768     1G / 71G   INFO   Early tip clipping       (early_simplification.hpp  : 181)   Early tip clipping
  1:24:11.844     1G / 71G   INFO   Early tip clipping       (early_simplification.hpp  : 184)   96855751 22-mers were removed by early tip clipper
  1:24:11.844     1G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 136)   Condensing graph
  1:24:11.844     1G / 71G   INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 340)   Extracting unbranching paths
  1:35:10.168    16G / 71G   INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 354)   Extracting unbranching paths finished. 179290666 sequences extracted
  1:35:33.236    16G / 71G   INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 313)   Collecting perfect loops
  1:41:15.235    16G / 71G   INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 329)   Collecting perfect loops finished. 1582 loops collected
  1:42:28.671    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 141)   Building index with from graph
  1:42:28.675    34G / 71G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  1:42:28.675    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  1:42:28.675    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  1:42:28.675    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 271.914 Gb
  1:42:28.675    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 4194304
  1:42:45.016    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 9970817 edges
  1:43:01.488    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 20375099 edges
  1:43:18.734    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 31066313 edges
  1:43:36.376    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 41952668 edges
  1:43:54.046    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 52938933 edges
  1:44:11.633    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 63997050 edges
  1:44:33.083    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 75107948 edges
  1:44:53.326    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 86267906 edges
  1:45:15.914    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 97446524 edges
  1:45:34.028    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 108643586 edges
  1:45:52.182    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 119816438 edges
  1:46:09.579    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 130998791 edges
  1:46:26.830    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 142210134 edges
  1:46:44.022    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 153427057 edges
  1:47:00.550    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 164638036 edges
  1:47:18.622    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 175856343 edges
  1:47:24.079    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 179292264 edges
  1:47:24.080    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 179292264 sequences.
  1:47:24.172    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  1:50:03.695    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 801917878 kmers in total.
  1:50:03.695    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  1:51:07.988    34G / 71G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  1:58:06.720    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  1:59:10.506    34G / 71G   INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 262001720 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  1:59:21.513    52G / 71G   INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  1:59:51.745    52G / 71G   INFO    General                 (edge_index.hpp            :  91)   Index refilled
  1:59:57.424    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 173)   Filling coverage index
  1:59:57.424    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   : 105)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from reads, this takes a while.
  2:26:26.283    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 175)   Filling coverage and flanking coverage from index
  2:35:41.382    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (construction.cpp          :  30)   Figured out: read length = 150
  2:35:41.407    51G / 71G   INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == EC Threshold Finding
  2:36:43.661    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 182)   Kmer coverage valley at: 25
  2:36:43.721    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 202)   K-mer histogram maximum: 136
  2:36:43.721    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 238)   Estimated median coverage: 136. Coverage mad: 42.9954
  2:36:43.757    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 260)   Fitting coverage model
  2:36:44.231    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 2
  2:36:45.097    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 4
  2:36:48.082    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 8
  2:36:54.643    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 16
  2:37:00.496    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 310)   Fitted mean coverage: 107.566. Fitted coverage std. dev: 42.3375
  2:37:00.503    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 335)   Probability of erroneous kmer at valley: 0.0326773
  2:37:00.503    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 359)   Preliminary threshold calculated as: 25
  2:37:00.503    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 363)   Threshold adjusted to: 25
  2:37:00.503    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 376)   Estimated genome size (ignoring repeats): 368557672
  2:37:00.527    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 133)   Mean coverage was calculated as 107.566
  2:37:00.542    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 147)   EC coverage threshold value was calculated as 25
  2:37:00.542    51G / 71G   INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 148)   Trusted kmer low bound: 0
  2:37:00.542    51G / 71G   INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification
  2:37:04.243    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 380)   Graph simplification started
  2:37:04.243    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        :  76)   PROCEDURE == InitialCleaning
  2:37:04.244    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 645)   Flanking coverage based disconnection disabled
  2:37:04.244    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Self conjugate edge remover
  2:37:13.094    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  2:37:13.096    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial isolated edge remover
  2:37:27.572    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 308175 times
  2:37:27.572    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial tip clipper
  2:37:44.856    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 175802 times
  2:37:44.856    33G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial ec remover
  3:09:13.170    35G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 21941287 times
  3:09:56.517    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  3:09:56.517    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 1
  3:09:56.517    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:10:04.896    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 134815 times
  3:10:04.896    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:40:14.243    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 3954891 times
  3:40:14.243    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:42:10.848    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 869710 times
  3:42:10.849    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 2
  3:42:10.849    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:42:29.075    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 11007 times
  3:42:29.076    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:00.174    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 137195 times
  3:44:00.175    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:46:15.643    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1807605 times
  3:46:15.643    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 3
  3:46:15.643    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:46:19.687    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1282 times
  3:46:19.687    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:49:19.981    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 258595 times
  3:49:19.981    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:49:48.199    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 404175 times
  3:49:48.199    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 4
  3:49:48.199    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:49:51.135    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 78 times
  3:49:51.135    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:50:42.364    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 71313 times
  3:50:42.365    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:50:54.660    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 199635 times
  3:50:54.660    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 5
  3:50:54.660    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:50:55.798    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 33 times
  3:50:55.798    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:51:22.630    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 37472 times
  3:51:22.631    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:51:29.665    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 95598 times
  3:51:29.665    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 6
  3:51:29.665    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:51:30.372    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 8 times
  3:51:30.372    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:51:46.173    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 19570 times
  3:51:46.174    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:51:51.226    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 66775 times
  3:51:51.226    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 7
  3:51:51.226    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:51:51.636    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 10 times
  3:51:51.636    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:52:03.252    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 13558 times
  3:52:03.253    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:52:05.966    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 42003 times
  3:52:05.966    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 8
  3:52:05.966    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:52:06.224    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4 times
  3:52:06.224    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:52:13.051    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 8555 times
  3:52:13.051    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:52:15.295    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 35886 times
  3:52:15.295    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 9
  3:52:15.295    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:52:15.476    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 7 times
  3:52:15.476    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:52:20.740    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 6674 times
  3:52:20.740    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:52:22.451    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 27383 times
  3:52:22.451    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 10
  3:52:22.451    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:52:22.609    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5 times
  3:52:22.609    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:52:27.123    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4735 times
  3:52:27.123    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:52:29.142    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 27962 times
  3:52:29.142    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 11
  3:52:29.142    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:52:29.272    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1 times
  3:52:29.272    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:52:33.464    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4237 times
  3:52:33.464    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:52:33.464    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:52:33.465    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 12
  3:52:33.465    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:52:33.526    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:52:33.526    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:52:33.527    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:52:33.528    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:52:33.528    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:52:33.528    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 162)   PROCEDURE == Post simplification
  3:52:33.528    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 446)   Disconnection of relatively low covered edges disabled
  3:52:33.529    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 476)   Complex tip clipping disabled
  3:52:33.529    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  3:52:33.529    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 0
  3:52:33.529    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:52:37.775    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 169 times
  3:52:37.775    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:56:46.489    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 19402 times
  3:56:46.490    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 1
  3:56:46.490    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:56:46.739    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:56:46.739    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:56:46.740    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:56:46.740    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 326)   Disrupting self-conjugate edges
  3:57:41.876    34G / 71G   INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification Cleanup
  3:57:45.057    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 561)   Counting average coverage
  3:57:57.625    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 566)   Average coverage = 225.675
  3:57:57.625    34G / 71G   INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Contig Output
  3:57:57.625    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K21/before_rr.fasta
  4:00:11.187    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 518)   Outputting graph to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K21/assembly_graph.fastg
  4:07:48.965    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K21/simplified_contigs.fasta
  4:09:41.610    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K21/final_contigs.fasta
  4:11:33.541    34G / 71G   INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                : 136)   SPAdes finished
  4:13:43.995   320M / 71G   INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 109)   Assembling time: 4 hours 13 minutes 44 seconds
Default k-mer sizes were set to [21, 33, 55, 77] because estimated read length (150) is equal to or greater than 150

== Running assembler: K33

  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  75)   Loading config from /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/K33/configs/config.info
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (memory_limit.hpp          :  47)   Memory limit set to 850 Gb
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  88)   Starting SPAdes, built from N/A, git revision N/A
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  89)   Maximum k-mer length: 128
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  90)   Assembling dataset (/dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/dataset.info) with K=33
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  51)   SPAdes started
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  58)   Starting from stage: construction
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  61)   Two-step RR enabled: 0
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Construction
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (read_converter.hpp        :  67)   Binary reads detected
  0:00:00.038     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 120)   Constructing DeBruijn graph for k=33
  0:00:00.040     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 129)   Splitting kmer instances into 6400 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:00:00.043     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:00:00.043     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54165 Gb
  0:00:00.043     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 16384
  0:02:30.755   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 75484251 reads
  0:04:19.083   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 151347777 reads
  0:06:07.453   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 228650348 reads
  0:07:55.551   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 307847121 reads
  0:09:43.817   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 381766453 reads
  0:11:31.266   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 457534298 reads
  0:13:17.857   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 534390278 reads
  0:15:06.607   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 613364011 reads
  0:17:10.780   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 692271262 reads
  0:19:10.751   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 770399690 reads
  0:21:15.354   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 851023791 reads
  0:23:14.092   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 929876775 reads
  0:25:07.613   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1006359858 reads
  0:27:01.786   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1083527033 reads
  0:28:53.242   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1161850704 reads
  0:30:20.593   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1181572310 reads
  0:30:20.593   139G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 159)   Adding contigs from previous K
  0:32:39.148   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 172)   Used 1181572310 reads. Maximum read length 150
  0:32:39.148   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 173)   Average read length 147.202
  0:32:39.148   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  0:36:13.381   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1275767389 kmers in total.
  0:36:13.382   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  0:39:50.997   360M / 139G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  0:39:50.997   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 285)   Splitting kmer instances into 1280 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:39:50.998   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:39:50.998   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.5402 Gb
  0:39:50.998   360M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 26214
  0:43:46.841    44G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 1275767389 kmers
  0:43:46.841    44G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 309)   Used 1275767389 kmers.
  0:43:54.009   368M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  0:46:52.002   368M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1247848459 kmers in total.
  0:46:52.002   368M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  0:50:15.553   368M / 139G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  0:51:53.813   752M / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  0:54:54.942   752M / 139G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 407695616 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  0:54:56.000     1G / 139G  INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  85)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers
  0:55:40.675     1G / 139G  INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  89)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers finished.
  0:55:40.755     1G / 139G  INFO   Early tip clipping       (early_simplification.hpp  : 181)   Early tip clipping
  0:59:26.398     1G / 139G  INFO   Early tip clipping       (early_simplification.hpp  : 184)   186705968 34-mers were removed by early tip clipper
  0:59:26.398     1G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 136)   Condensing graph
  0:59:26.398     1G / 139G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 340)   Extracting unbranching paths
  1:16:22.360    16G / 139G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 354)   Extracting unbranching paths finished. 153595293 sequences extracted
  1:16:53.047    16G / 139G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 313)   Collecting perfect loops
  1:26:09.586    16G / 139G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 329)   Collecting perfect loops finished. 1858 loops collected
  1:27:14.844    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 141)   Building index with from graph
  1:27:14.847    31G / 139G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  1:27:14.847    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  1:27:14.847    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  1:27:14.847    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 272.967 Gb
  1:27:14.847    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 2097152
  1:27:26.290    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3608476 edges
  1:27:35.906    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 7209298 edges
  1:27:46.463    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 11231654 edges
  1:27:55.894    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 14833064 edges
  1:28:05.364    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 18438567 edges
  1:28:15.744    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 22244778 edges
  1:28:25.781    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 25847081 edges
  1:28:36.900    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 29677549 edges
  1:28:46.635    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 33285384 edges
  1:28:56.466    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 36886446 edges
  1:29:07.391    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 40881547 edges
  1:29:17.440    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 44488434 edges
  1:29:27.434    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 48120044 edges
  1:29:40.327    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 51728563 edges
  1:29:53.606    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 55337226 edges
  1:30:06.447    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 59401072 edges
  1:30:38.438    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 70361224 edges
  1:33:48.365    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 137160235 edges
  1:34:32.698    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 153597192 sequences.
  1:34:32.787    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  1:40:14.488    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1089061421 kmers in total.
  1:40:14.488    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  1:43:07.009    31G / 139G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  1:52:52.950    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  1:55:43.152    31G / 139G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 355816912 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  1:55:57.194    55G / 139G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  1:56:29.384    55G / 139G  INFO    General                 (edge_index.hpp            :  91)   Index refilled
  1:56:47.443    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 173)   Filling coverage index
  1:56:47.443    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   : 105)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from reads, this takes a while.
  2:21:33.709    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 175)   Filling coverage and flanking coverage from index
  2:31:20.193    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (construction.cpp          :  30)   Figured out: read length = 150
  2:31:20.223    54G / 139G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == EC Threshold Finding
  2:33:07.833    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 182)   Kmer coverage valley at: 20
  2:33:07.852    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 202)   K-mer histogram maximum: 59
  2:33:07.852    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 238)   Estimated median coverage: 61. Coverage mad: 16.3086
  2:33:07.864    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 260)   Fitting coverage model
  2:33:08.072    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 2
  2:33:08.479    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 4
  2:33:09.943    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 8
  2:33:12.865    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 16
  2:33:17.780    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 310)   Fitted mean coverage: 92.0221. Fitted coverage std. dev: 38.5986
  2:33:17.783    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 335)   Probability of erroneous kmer at valley: 0.729826
  2:33:17.783    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 359)   Preliminary threshold calculated as: 34
  2:33:17.783    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 363)   Threshold adjusted to: 34
  2:33:17.783    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 376)   Estimated genome size (ignoring repeats): 447318316
  2:33:17.794    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 133)   Mean coverage was calculated as 92.0221
  2:33:17.804    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 147)   EC coverage threshold value was calculated as 34
  2:33:17.804    54G / 139G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 148)   Trusted kmer low bound: 0
  2:33:17.804    54G / 139G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification
  2:33:20.658    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 380)   Graph simplification started
  2:33:20.658    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        :  76)   PROCEDURE == InitialCleaning
  2:33:20.658    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 645)   Flanking coverage based disconnection disabled
  2:33:20.658    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Self conjugate edge remover
  2:33:29.453    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  2:33:29.453    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial isolated edge remover
  2:33:55.488    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 663429 times
  2:33:55.488    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial tip clipper
  2:34:17.618    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 370262 times
  2:34:17.618    29G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial ec remover
  3:04:04.427    31G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 19228267 times
  3:04:39.402    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  3:04:39.402    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 1
  3:04:39.402    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:04:50.478    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 258402 times
  3:04:50.478    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:34:03.840    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 3724018 times
  3:34:03.841    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:36:17.470    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1011860 times
  3:36:17.470    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 2
  3:36:17.470    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:36:30.506    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 7339 times
  3:36:30.506    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:39:41.884    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 241831 times
  3:39:41.885    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:40:27.888    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 531327 times
  3:40:27.888    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 3
  3:40:27.888    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:40:31.089    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 863 times
  3:40:31.089    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:42:29.592    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 123040 times
  3:42:29.592    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:42:41.556    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 131368 times
  3:42:41.556    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 4
  3:42:41.556    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:42:43.174    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 140 times
  3:42:43.174    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:43:19.983    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 36180 times
  3:43:19.983    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:43:25.832    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 55237 times
  3:43:25.832    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 5
  3:43:25.832    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:43:26.574    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 70 times
  3:43:26.574    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:43:43.619    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 15210 times
  3:43:43.620    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:43:47.261    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 35891 times
  3:43:47.261    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 6
  3:43:47.261    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:43:47.673    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 27 times
  3:43:47.673    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:43:56.099    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 8811 times
  3:43:56.099    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:43:58.279    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 26896 times
  3:43:58.279    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 7
  3:43:58.279    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:43:58.479    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 26 times
  3:43:58.479    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:03.923    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5480 times
  3:44:03.924    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:44:05.946    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 26097 times
  3:44:05.946    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 8
  3:44:05.946    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:44:06.083    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 9 times
  3:44:06.083    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:10.240    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4466 times
  3:44:10.240    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:44:12.512    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 28049 times
  3:44:12.512    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 9
  3:44:12.512    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:44:12.638    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 12 times
  3:44:12.638    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:16.894    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4039 times
  3:44:16.895    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:44:19.697    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 30131 times
  3:44:19.697    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 10
  3:44:19.697    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:44:19.879    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5 times
  3:44:19.880    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:24.369    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4358 times
  3:44:24.370    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:44:27.720    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 36787 times
  3:44:27.720    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 11
  3:44:27.720    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:44:27.873    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2 times
  3:44:27.873    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:33.360    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5208 times
  3:44:33.361    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:44:33.361    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:44:33.362    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 12
  3:44:33.362    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:44:33.471    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:44:33.471    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:44:33.475    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:44:33.475    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  3:44:33.476    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:44:33.476    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 162)   PROCEDURE == Post simplification
  3:44:33.476    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 446)   Disconnection of relatively low covered edges disabled
  3:44:33.476    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 476)   Complex tip clipping disabled
  3:44:33.477    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  3:44:33.477    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 0
  3:44:33.477    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:44:36.765    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 72 times
  3:44:36.765    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:46:14.002    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 13438 times
  3:46:14.002    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 1
  3:46:14.002    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  3:46:14.226    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:46:14.226    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  3:46:14.226    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:46:14.226    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 326)   Disrupting self-conjugate edges
  3:46:51.573    30G / 139G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification Cleanup
  3:46:54.052    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 561)   Counting average coverage
  3:47:06.893    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 566)   Average coverage = 164.271
  3:47:06.893    30G / 139G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Contig Output
  3:47:06.893    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K33/before_rr.fasta
  3:48:36.409    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 518)   Outputting graph to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K33/assembly_graph.fastg
  3:53:03.168    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K33/simplified_contigs.fasta
  3:54:19.224    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K33/final_contigs.fasta
  3:55:31.561    30G / 139G  INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                : 136)   SPAdes finished
  3:57:20.624   320M / 139G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 109)   Assembling time: 3 hours 57 minutes 20 seconds

== Running assembler: K55

  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  75)   Loading config from /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/K55/configs/config.info
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (memory_limit.hpp          :  47)   Memory limit set to 850 Gb
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  88)   Starting SPAdes, built from N/A, git revision N/A
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  89)   Maximum k-mer length: 128
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  90)   Assembling dataset (/dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/dataset.info) with K=55
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  51)   SPAdes started
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  58)   Starting from stage: construction
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  61)   Two-step RR enabled: 0
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  79)   Will need read mapping, kmer mapper will be attached
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Construction
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (read_converter.hpp        :  67)   Binary reads detected
  0:00:00.037     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 120)   Constructing DeBruijn graph for k=55
  0:00:00.039     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 129)   Splitting kmer instances into 6400 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:00:00.042     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:00:00.042     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54165 Gb
  0:00:00.042     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 16384
  0:03:09.579   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 137047560 reads
  0:05:41.038   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 274463240 reads
  0:07:57.395   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 370597621 reads
  0:10:27.151   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 507815796 reads
  0:13:04.628   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 646391759 reads
  0:16:00.108   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 787190993 reads
  0:18:52.616   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 916432720 reads
  0:21:29.712   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1047651362 reads
  0:24:02.036   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1175450686 reads
  0:24:49.221   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1181572310 reads
  0:24:49.221   139G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 159)   Adding contigs from previous K
  0:27:26.852   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 172)   Used 1181572310 reads. Maximum read length 150
  0:27:26.852   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 173)   Average read length 147.202
  0:27:26.852   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  0:31:53.845   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1718822091 kmers in total.
  0:31:53.845   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  0:36:43.364   360M / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  0:36:43.364   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 285)   Splitting kmer instances into 1280 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:36:43.365   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:36:43.365   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.5402 Gb
  0:36:43.365   360M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 26214
  0:41:38.188    44G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 1314348381 kmers
  0:43:46.162    44G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 1718822171 kmers
  0:43:46.162    44G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 309)   Used 1718822171 kmers.
  0:43:53.692   368M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  0:47:55.600   368M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1705823456 kmers in total.
  0:47:55.601   368M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  0:52:36.094   368M / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  0:54:48.868   880M / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  0:58:52.822   880M / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 557324616 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  0:58:54.388     2G / 140G  INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  85)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers
  0:59:58.147     2G / 140G  INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  89)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers finished.
  0:59:58.221     2G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 136)   Condensing graph
  0:59:58.221     2G / 140G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 340)   Extracting unbranching paths
  1:22:38.061    19G / 140G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 354)   Extracting unbranching paths finished. 187985053 sequences extracted
  1:23:28.485    19G / 140G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 313)   Collecting perfect loops
  1:38:29.476    19G / 140G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 329)   Collecting perfect loops finished. 128 loops collected
  1:40:15.896    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 141)   Building index with from graph
  1:40:15.899    42G / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  1:40:15.899    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  1:40:15.899    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  1:40:15.899    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 269.307 Gb
  1:40:15.899    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 2097152
  1:40:26.991    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2938699 edges
  1:40:40.643    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 5870338 edges
  1:40:53.339    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 8801141 edges
  1:41:04.536    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 11734805 edges
  1:41:15.480    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 14669722 edges
  1:41:27.000    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 17601901 edges
  1:41:38.778    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 20529829 edges
  1:41:50.860    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 23460480 edges
  1:42:04.644    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 26398584 edges
  1:42:17.192    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 29330877 edges
  1:42:29.330    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 32260846 edges
  1:42:41.783    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 35197227 edges
  1:42:54.680    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 38135756 edges
  1:43:06.498    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 41066472 edges
  1:43:18.172    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 43996954 edges
  1:43:29.298    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 46928815 edges
  1:44:45.353    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 67474165 edges
  1:48:47.341    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 135010481 edges
  1:51:49.794    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 187985245 sequences.
  1:51:49.891    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  2:01:31.737    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1718822091 kmers in total.
  2:01:31.738    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  2:06:02.080    42G / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  2:22:36.309    42G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  2:26:42.326    42G / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 561571528 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  2:27:04.357    81G / 140G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  2:28:06.305    81G / 140G  INFO    General                 (edge_index.hpp            :  91)   Index refilled
  2:28:29.650    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 173)   Filling coverage index
  2:28:29.650    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   : 105)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from reads, this takes a while.
  2:49:50.792    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 175)   Filling coverage and flanking coverage from index
  3:06:30.948    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (construction.cpp          :  30)   Figured out: read length = 150
  3:06:30.978    78G / 140G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == EC Threshold Finding
  3:08:15.244    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 182)   Kmer coverage valley at: 14
  3:08:15.249    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 202)   K-mer histogram maximum: 46
  3:08:15.249    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 238)   Estimated median coverage: 48. Coverage mad: 13.3434
  3:08:15.251    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 260)   Fitting coverage model
  3:08:15.395    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 2
  3:08:15.749    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 4
  3:08:16.964    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 8
  3:08:19.468    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 16
  3:08:22.897    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 310)   Fitted mean coverage: 69.4172. Fitted coverage std. dev: 29.3629
  3:08:22.899    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 335)   Probability of erroneous kmer at valley: 0.71773
  3:08:22.899    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 359)   Preliminary threshold calculated as: 25
  3:08:22.899    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 363)   Threshold adjusted to: 25
  3:08:22.899    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 376)   Estimated genome size (ignoring repeats): 547141713
  3:08:22.900    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 133)   Mean coverage was calculated as 69.4172
  3:08:22.907    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 147)   EC coverage threshold value was calculated as 25
  3:08:22.907    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 148)   Trusted kmer low bound: 0
  3:08:22.907    78G / 140G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Gap Closer
  3:08:22.926    78G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 159)   Preparing shift maps
  3:11:04.512    83G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 119)   Processing paired reads (takes a while)
  3:18:10.099    85G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 138)   Used 295374451 paired reads
  3:18:10.099    85G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 140)   Merging paired indices
  3:19:05.900    79G / 140G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 347)   Closing short gaps
  3:30:21.817    79G / 140G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 381)   Closing short gaps complete: filled 19243 gaps after checking 793347 candidates
  3:30:57.506    79G / 140G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification
  3:31:08.028    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 380)   Graph simplification started
  3:31:08.029    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        :  76)   PROCEDURE == InitialCleaning
  3:31:08.029    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 645)   Flanking coverage based disconnection disabled
  3:31:08.029    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Self conjugate edge remover
  3:31:24.102    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  3:31:24.102    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial isolated edge remover
  3:32:16.839    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1328283 times
  3:32:16.839    40G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial tip clipper
  3:56:31.885    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 27789065 times
  3:56:31.885    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial ec remover
  4:13:56.789    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 9496969 times
  4:14:26.996    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  4:14:26.996    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 1
  4:14:26.996    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:14:41.948    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 461202 times
  4:14:41.948    41G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:50:04.424    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2437263 times
  4:50:04.424    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:50:22.826    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 172741 times
  4:50:22.826    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 2
  4:50:22.826    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:50:29.681    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5312 times
  4:50:29.681    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:52:03.744    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 63435 times
  4:52:03.745    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:52:31.259    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 284836 times
  4:52:31.259    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 3
  4:52:31.259    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:52:33.253    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 3463 times
  4:52:33.253    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:54:48.717    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 83418 times
  4:54:48.717    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:54:53.565    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 56332 times
  4:54:53.565    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 4
  4:54:53.565    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:54:54.589    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 378 times
  4:54:54.590    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:55:25.210    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 19053 times
  4:55:25.210    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:55:27.316    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 25322 times
  4:55:27.316    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 5
  4:55:27.316    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:55:27.659    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 139 times
  4:55:27.659    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:55:40.279    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 8232 times
  4:55:40.279    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:55:41.583    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 15373 times
  4:55:41.583    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 6
  4:55:41.583    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:55:41.807    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 64 times
  4:55:41.808    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:55:47.917    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4226 times
  4:55:47.918    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:55:48.989    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 12837 times
  4:55:48.989    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 7
  4:55:48.989    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:55:49.112    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 42 times
  4:55:49.112    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:55:53.322    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2932 times
  4:55:53.322    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:55:54.284    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 11589 times
  4:55:54.284    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 8
  4:55:54.284    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:55:54.387    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 45 times
  4:55:54.387    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:55:57.570    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2183 times
  4:55:57.571    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:55:58.573    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 12147 times
  4:55:58.573    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 9
  4:55:58.573    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:55:58.654    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 34 times
  4:55:58.654    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:56:01.448    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2005 times
  4:56:01.448    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:56:02.580    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 13197 times
  4:56:02.580    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 10
  4:56:02.580    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:56:02.660    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 17 times
  4:56:02.660    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:56:05.449    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1952 times
  4:56:05.449    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:56:06.723    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 15150 times
  4:56:06.723    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 11
  4:56:06.723    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:56:06.809    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 17 times
  4:56:06.809    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:56:09.586    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2142 times
  4:56:09.587    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:56:09.587    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:56:09.587    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 12
  4:56:09.587    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:56:09.625    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:56:09.625    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:56:09.625    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:56:09.625    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  4:56:09.626    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:56:09.626    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 162)   PROCEDURE == Post simplification
  4:56:09.626    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 446)   Disconnection of relatively low covered edges disabled
  4:56:09.626    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 476)   Complex tip clipping disabled
  4:56:09.626    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  4:56:09.627    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 0
  4:56:09.627    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:56:11.805    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 35 times
  4:56:11.806    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:56:48.996    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5588 times
  4:56:48.996    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 1
  4:56:48.996    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:56:49.070    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:56:49.070    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  4:56:49.070    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:56:49.070    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 326)   Disrupting self-conjugate edges
  4:57:10.340    51G / 140G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Gap Closer
  4:57:10.340    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (graph_pack.hpp            :  96)   Index refill
  4:57:10.344    51G / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  4:57:10.344    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  4:57:10.344    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  4:57:10.344    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 266.125 Gb
  4:57:10.344    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 2097152
  4:57:19.409    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 704223 edges
  4:57:28.860    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1411028 edges
  4:57:38.058    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2115648 edges
  4:57:47.477    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2822678 edges
  4:57:57.398    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3536852 edges
  4:58:06.907    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 4248556 edges
  4:58:16.398    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 4960034 edges
  4:58:25.856    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 5670168 edges
  4:58:35.703    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 6388139 edges
  4:58:45.703    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 7103093 edges
  4:58:55.850    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 7818359 edges
  4:59:06.037    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 8537924 edges
  4:59:16.181    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 9257810 edges
  4:59:26.415    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 9983417 edges
  4:59:41.041    52G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 10990907 sequences.
  4:59:41.142    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  5:02:00.907    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 498984812 kmers in total.
  5:02:00.907    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  5:03:20.973    51G / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  5:07:42.944    51G / 140G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  5:09:02.978    51G / 140G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 163027808 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  5:09:09.643    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  5:09:21.366    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (edge_index.hpp            :  91)   Index refilled
  5:09:21.394    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 159)   Preparing shift maps
  5:09:30.316    63G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 119)   Processing paired reads (takes a while)
  5:19:06.807    63G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 138)   Used 295374451 paired reads
  5:19:06.807    63G / 140G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 140)   Merging paired indices
  5:19:08.505    63G / 140G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 347)   Closing short gaps
  5:19:40.164    63G / 140G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 381)   Closing short gaps complete: filled 960 gaps after checking 44579 candidates
  5:19:45.478    63G / 140G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification Cleanup
  5:19:59.962    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 561)   Counting average coverage
  5:20:04.076    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 566)   Average coverage = 107.831
  5:20:04.076    62G / 140G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Contig Output
  5:20:04.076    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K55/before_rr.fasta
  5:21:08.542    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 518)   Outputting graph to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K55/assembly_graph.fastg
  5:24:21.067    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K55/simplified_contigs.fasta
  5:25:16.236    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K55/final_contigs.fasta
  5:26:10.203    62G / 140G  INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                : 136)   SPAdes finished
  5:33:37.458   320M / 140G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 109)   Assembling time: 5 hours 33 minutes 37 seconds

== Running assembler: K77

  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  75)   Loading config from /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/K77/configs/config.info
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (memory_limit.hpp          :  47)   Memory limit set to 850 Gb
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  88)   Starting SPAdes, built from N/A, git revision N/A
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  89)   Maximum k-mer length: 128
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  :  90)   Assembling dataset (/dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/dataset.info) with K=77
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  51)   SPAdes started
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  58)   Starting from stage: construction
  0:00:00.000     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  61)   Two-step RR enabled: 0
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                :  79)   Will need read mapping, kmer mapper will be attached
  0:00:00.001     4M / 4M    INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Construction
  0:00:00.002     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (read_converter.hpp        :  67)   Binary reads detected
  0:00:00.041     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 120)   Constructing DeBruijn graph for k=77
  0:00:00.042     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 129)   Splitting kmer instances into 6400 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:00:00.046     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:00:00.046     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54165 Gb
  0:00:00.046     4M / 4M    INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 16384
  0:05:00.056   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 214732837 reads
  0:08:32.251   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 355974907 reads
  0:12:34.984   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 571026057 reads
  0:17:31.198   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 773281265 reads
  0:21:52.992   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 940742552 reads
  0:26:05.958   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1118654299 reads
  0:28:55.560   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 153)   Processed 1181572310 reads
  0:28:55.560   207G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 159)   Adding contigs from previous K
  0:33:35.628   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 172)   Used 1181572310 reads. Maximum read length 150
  0:33:35.628   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 173)   Average read length 147.202
  0:33:35.628   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  0:40:30.661   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1847760165 kmers in total.
  0:40:30.661   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  0:48:13.284   368M / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  0:48:13.284   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 285)   Splitting kmer instances into 1280 buckets. This might take a while.
  0:48:13.285   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  0:48:13.285   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 3.54017 Gb
  0:48:13.285   368M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 17476
  0:54:02.858    44G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 872558660 kmers
  0:59:53.232    44G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 1744524431 kmers
  1:00:48.782    44G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 304)   Processed 1847760325 kmers
  1:00:48.782    44G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 309)   Used 1847760325 kmers.
  1:00:56.298   376M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  1:07:28.410   376M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1847638766 kmers in total.
  1:07:28.411   376M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  1:15:09.417   376M / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  1:17:52.547  1016M / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  1:24:43.966  1016M / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 603658368 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  1:24:45.528     2G / 209G  INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  85)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers
  1:26:07.319     2G / 209G  INFO   DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build:  89)   Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers finished.
  1:26:07.421     2G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 136)   Condensing graph
  1:26:07.421     2G / 209G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 340)   Extracting unbranching paths
  1:51:37.545    20G / 209G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 354)   Extracting unbranching paths finished. 163075512 sequences extracted
  1:52:31.667    20G / 209G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 313)   Collecting perfect loops
  2:09:53.350    20G / 209G  INFO   UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 329)   Collecting perfect loops finished. 132 loops collected
  2:11:25.542    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 141)   Building index with from graph
  2:11:25.546    40G / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  2:11:25.546    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  2:11:25.546    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  2:11:25.546    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 269.737 Gb
  2:11:25.546    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 1398101
  2:11:33.953    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1638838 edges
  2:11:42.796    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3279484 edges
  2:11:51.427    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 4917115 edges
  2:11:59.861    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 6552055 edges
  2:12:08.297    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 8188145 edges
  2:12:16.603    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 9825940 edges
  2:12:25.346    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 11534807 edges
  2:12:33.608    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 13174383 edges
  2:12:41.763    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 14813458 edges
  2:12:50.109    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 16450870 edges
  2:12:58.508    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 18089125 edges
  2:13:06.899    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 19727680 edges
  2:13:15.721    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 21485458 edges
  2:13:23.906    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 23121641 edges
  2:13:32.315    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 24760377 edges
  2:14:27.555    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 34740359 edges
  2:17:24.425    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 67678213 edges
  2:23:35.849    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 135446041 edges
  2:26:06.457    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 163075742 sequences.
  2:26:06.539    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  2:39:45.697    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 1847760165 kmers in total.
  2:39:45.697    40G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  2:47:34.979    40G / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  3:06:32.081    41G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  3:13:31.085    41G / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 603698040 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  3:13:55.968    82G / 209G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  3:14:52.912    82G / 209G  INFO    General                 (edge_index.hpp            :  91)   Index refilled
  3:15:21.095    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 173)   Filling coverage index
  3:15:21.095    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   : 105)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from reads, this takes a while.
  3:32:53.158    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_construction.hpp    : 175)   Filling coverage and flanking coverage from index
  3:50:25.208    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (construction.cpp          :  30)   Figured out: read length = 150
  3:50:25.237    80G / 209G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == EC Threshold Finding
  3:52:49.422    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 182)   Kmer coverage valley at: 10
  3:52:49.425    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 202)   K-mer histogram maximum: 35
  3:52:49.425    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 238)   Estimated median coverage: 37. Coverage mad: 11.8608
  3:52:49.427    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 260)   Fitting coverage model
  3:52:49.520    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 2
  3:52:49.761    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 4
  3:52:50.672    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 8
  3:52:52.719    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 16
  3:52:56.244    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 296)   ... iteration 32
  3:52:57.112    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 310)   Fitted mean coverage: 50.4701. Fitted coverage std. dev: 21.6943
  3:52:57.113    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 335)   Probability of erroneous kmer at valley: 0.635512
  3:52:57.113    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 359)   Preliminary threshold calculated as: 18
  3:52:57.113    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 363)   Threshold adjusted to: 18
  3:52:57.113    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_coverage_model.cpp   : 376)   Estimated genome size (ignoring repeats): 607635532
  3:52:57.114    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 133)   Mean coverage was calculated as 50.4701
  3:52:57.119    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 147)   EC coverage threshold value was calculated as 18
  3:52:57.119    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (genomic_info_filler.cpp   : 148)   Trusted kmer low bound: 0
  3:52:57.119    80G / 209G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Gap Closer
  3:52:57.138    80G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 159)   Preparing shift maps
  3:56:16.561    86G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 119)   Processing paired reads (takes a while)
  4:00:42.533    89G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 138)   Used 295374451 paired reads
  4:00:42.535    89G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 140)   Merging paired indices
  4:02:00.152    81G / 209G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 347)   Closing short gaps
  4:10:52.859    81G / 209G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 381)   Closing short gaps complete: filled 15716 gaps after checking 851050 candidates
  4:11:19.977    80G / 209G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification
  4:11:29.056    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 380)   Graph simplification started
  4:11:29.056    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        :  76)   PROCEDURE == InitialCleaning
  4:11:29.060    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 645)   Flanking coverage based disconnection disabled
  4:11:29.060    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Self conjugate edge remover
  4:11:37.256    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  4:11:37.257    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial isolated edge remover
  4:13:05.926    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4648857 times
  4:13:05.926    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial tip clipper
  4:37:37.887    39G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 32517067 times
  4:37:37.887    39G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Initial ec remover
  4:41:35.172    39G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2136909 times
  4:41:52.646    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  4:41:52.646    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 1
  4:41:52.646    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  4:42:07.054    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 400786 times
  4:42:07.054    38G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:09:34.812    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1557513 times
  5:09:34.812    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:09:37.893    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2227 times
  5:09:37.893    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 2
  5:09:37.893    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:09:42.358    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2231 times
  5:09:42.358    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:09:44.122    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1092 times
  5:09:44.122    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:09:54.596    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 108336 times
  5:09:54.596    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 3
  5:09:54.596    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:09:55.310    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5310 times
  5:09:55.311    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:11:10.075    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 37733 times
  5:11:10.075    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:11:14.816    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 34248 times
  5:11:14.816    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 4
  5:11:14.816    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:11:15.666    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1155 times
  5:11:15.666    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:11:39.170    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 12215 times
  5:11:39.170    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:11:40.802    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 14058 times
  5:11:40.802    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 5
  5:11:40.802    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:11:41.107    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 327 times
  5:11:41.107    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:11:49.730    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 4711 times
  5:11:49.730    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:11:50.709    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 8555 times
  5:11:50.709    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 6
  5:11:50.709    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:11:50.839    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 214 times
  5:11:50.839    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:11:54.849    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 2458 times
  5:11:54.849    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:11:55.646    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 6757 times
  5:11:55.646    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 7
  5:11:55.646    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:11:55.729    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 135 times
  5:11:55.729    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:11:58.546    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1638 times
  5:11:58.546    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:11:59.272    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 6480 times
  5:11:59.272    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 8
  5:11:59.272    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:11:59.336    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 115 times
  5:11:59.336    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:01.527    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1305 times
  5:12:01.527    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:12:02.255    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 6648 times
  5:12:02.255    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 9
  5:12:02.255    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:02.315    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 85 times
  5:12:02.315    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:04.417    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1140 times
  5:12:04.417    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:12:05.186    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 7027 times
  5:12:05.186    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 10
  5:12:05.186    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:05.238    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 69 times
  5:12:05.238    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:07.064    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1086 times
  5:12:07.065    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:12:07.958    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 8269 times
  5:12:07.958    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 11
  5:12:07.958    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:08.013    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 50 times
  5:12:08.013    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:09.778    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1103 times
  5:12:09.778    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:12:09.778    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:09.778    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 12
  5:12:09.778    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 5 times
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 403)   PROCEDURE == Simplification cycle, iteration 13
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Low coverage edge remover
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 162)   PROCEDURE == Post simplification
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 446)   Disconnection of relatively low covered edges disabled
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 476)   Complex tip clipping disabled
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_simplification.hpp  : 617)   Creating parallel br instance
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 0
  5:12:09.796    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:11.876    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 57 times
  5:12:11.876    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:27.948    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 3111 times
  5:12:27.948    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 1
  5:12:27.948    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:27.974    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 1 times
  5:12:27.974    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:27.975    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:27.975    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 294)   Iteration 2
  5:12:27.975    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Tip clipper
  5:12:27.975    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:27.975    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 349)   Running Bulge remover
  5:12:27.976    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 351)   Triggered 0 times
  5:12:27.976    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 326)   Disrupting self-conjugate edges
  5:12:39.746    46G / 209G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Gap Closer
  5:12:39.746    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_pack.hpp            :  96)   Index refill
  5:12:39.753    46G / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  5:12:39.753    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  5:12:39.753    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  5:12:39.753    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 267.827 Gb
  5:12:39.753    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 1398101
  5:12:47.649    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 274550 edges
  5:12:57.880    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 551465 edges
  5:13:09.813    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 822802 edges
  5:13:18.698    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1093307 edges
  5:13:31.360    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1368621 edges
  5:13:39.562    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1643026 edges
  5:13:51.088    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1918801 edges
  5:14:01.904    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2190046 edges
  5:14:10.104    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2462822 edges
  5:14:23.886    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2738312 edges
  5:14:32.032    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3009067 edges
  5:14:42.834    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3282457 edges
  5:15:26.173    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 4378359 edges
  5:17:05.580    47G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 6922027 sequences.
  5:17:05.678    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  5:21:39.316    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 552671532 kmers in total.
  5:21:39.316    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  5:24:43.156    46G / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  5:29:34.679    46G / 209G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  5:32:40.537    46G / 209G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 180568272 bytes occupied (2.61375 bits per kmer).
  5:32:52.284    59G / 209G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  5:33:03.029    59G / 209G  INFO    General                 (edge_index.hpp            :  91)   Index refilled
  5:33:03.060    59G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 159)   Preparing shift maps
  5:33:10.749    59G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 119)   Processing paired reads (takes a while)
  5:40:47.703    59G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 138)   Used 295374451 paired reads
  5:40:47.703    59G / 209G  INFO    General                 (gap_closer.cpp            : 140)   Merging paired indices
  5:40:49.379    59G / 209G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 347)   Closing short gaps
  5:41:08.065    59G / 209G  INFO   GapCloser                (gap_closer.cpp            : 381)   Closing short gaps complete: filled 311 gaps after checking 37887 candidates
  5:41:11.941    59G / 209G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Simplification Cleanup
  5:41:32.779    58G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 561)   Counting average coverage
  5:41:37.862    58G / 209G  INFO    General                 (simplification.cpp        : 566)   Average coverage = 73.8357
  5:41:37.862    58G / 209G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Mismatch Correction
  5:41:37.862    58G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_pack.hpp            : 105)   Normalizing k-mer map. Total 309233846 kmers to process
  5:49:13.308    58G / 209G  INFO    General                 (graph_pack.hpp            : 107)   Normalizing done
  6:44:51.527   311G / 311G  INFO    General                 (mismatch_shall_not_pass.hp: 187)   Finished collecting potential mismatches positions
  7:06:13.260    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (mismatch_shall_not_pass.hp: 284)   All edges processed
  7:06:29.675    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (mismatch_correction.cpp   :  26)   Corrected 6249 nucleotides
  7:06:29.702    58G / 311G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Hybrid Aligning
  7:06:29.702    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 398)   Hybrid library detected: #1
  7:06:29.702    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 334)   Aligning library with Pacbio aligner
  7:06:29.702    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 336)   Using seed size: 13
  7:06:29.704    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (edge_multi_index.hpp      : 111)   Constructing multi-kmer index
  7:06:29.705    58G / 311G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 428)   Building kmer index
  7:06:29.705    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 214)   Splitting kmer instances into 16 buckets. This might take a while.
  7:06:29.705    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (file_limit.hpp            :  30)   Open file limit set to 102400
  7:06:29.705    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 108)   Memory available for splitting buffers: 263.846 Gb
  7:06:29.705    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 116)   Using cell size of 4194304
  7:06:36.003    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 293899 edges
  7:06:43.111    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 586631 edges
  7:06:49.794    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 878079 edges
  7:06:56.832    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1169006 edges
  7:07:03.639    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1462037 edges
  7:07:10.506    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 1755521 edges
  7:07:17.373    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2047101 edges
  7:07:24.254    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2339690 edges
  7:07:31.095    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2632165 edges
  7:07:37.902    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 2923395 edges
  7:07:44.841    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3216168 edges
  7:07:51.473    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 3509648 edges
  7:08:11.813    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 225)   Processed 4386888 edges
  7:09:05.565    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_splitters.hpp        : 230)   Used 6701075 sequences.
  7:09:05.669    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 252)   Starting k-mer counting.
  7:10:06.042    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 258)   K-mer counting done. There are 63739638 kmers in total.
  7:10:06.042    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 260)   Merging temporary buckets.
  7:10:11.510    58G / 311G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 437)   Building perfect hash indices
  7:10:35.237    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 276)   Merging final buckets.
  7:10:40.775    58G / 311G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 483)   Index built. Total 20825064 bytes occupied (2.61377 bits per kmer).
  7:10:42.040    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (perfect_hash_map.hpp      : 185)   Arranging kmers in hash map order
  7:11:08.699    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (perfect_hash_map.hpp      : 197)   Done. Total swaps: 63739402
  7:11:08.701    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (edge_index_builders.hpp   :  27)   Collecting k-mer coverage information from graph, this takes a while.
  7:11:43.339   110G / 311G  INFO   PacIndex                 (pac_index.hpp             :  85)   Index constructed
  7:11:46.975   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 0 of 50000 reads.
  8:38:38.107   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47625 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4953; paths of more than one edge received: 350
  8:38:38.220   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 50000 reads
  8:38:42.032   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 1 of 50000 reads.
 10:02:06.643   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47456 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4830; paths of more than one edge received: 323
 10:02:06.799   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 100000 reads
 10:02:10.550   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 2 of 50000 reads.
 11:22:05.948   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47440 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4717; paths of more than one edge received: 362
 11:22:06.093   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 150000 reads
 11:22:09.940   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 3 of 50000 reads.
 12:42:15.078   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47522 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4622; paths of more than one edge received: 351
 12:42:15.224   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 200000 reads
 12:42:18.942   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 4 of 50000 reads.
 14:05:13.205   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47565 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4788; paths of more than one edge received: 334
 14:05:13.366   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 250000 reads
 14:05:17.227   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 5 of 50000 reads.
 15:27:34.328   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47565 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4716; paths of more than one edge received: 350
 15:27:34.509   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 300000 reads
 15:27:38.192   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 6 of 50000 reads.
 16:48:17.592   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47565 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4727; paths of more than one edge received: 365
 16:48:17.743   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 350000 reads
 16:48:21.403   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 7 of 50000 reads.
 18:06:30.842   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47462 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4642; paths of more than one edge received: 331
 18:06:30.995   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 400000 reads
 18:06:34.570   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 8 of 50000 reads.
 19:28:02.166   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47395 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4656; paths of more than one edge received: 359
 19:28:02.312   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 450000 reads
 19:28:05.762   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 9 of 50000 reads.
 20:47:23.911   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47342 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4781; paths of more than one edge received: 350
 20:47:24.026   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 500000 reads
 20:47:27.725   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 10 of 50000 reads.
 22:03:20.846   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47235 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4835; paths of more than one edge received: 349
 22:03:21.019   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 550000 reads
 22:03:25.445   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 11 of 50000 reads.
 23:24:47.380   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47127 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4519; paths of more than one edge received: 323
 23:24:47.541   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 600000 reads
 23:24:50.971   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 12 of 50000 reads.
 24:38:15.982   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47194 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4666; paths of more than one edge received: 347
 24:38:16.148   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 650000 reads
 24:38:19.601   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 13 of 50000 reads.
 25:52:54.579   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 50000 processed; 47144 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 4261; paths of more than one edge received: 299
 25:52:54.712   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 700000 reads
 25:52:55.932   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 315)   Prepared batch 14 of 14486 reads.
 26:20:12.259   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 280)   Read batch of size: 14486 processed; 13709 of them longer than 500; among long reads aligned: 1279; paths of more than one edge received: 87
 26:20:12.322   111G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 320)   Processed 714486 reads
 26:20:12.428   110G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 351)   For library of long reads :
 26:20:12.428   110G / 311G  INFO   StatsCounter             (pacbio_read_structures.hpp: 250)   Median fraction of present seeds in maximal alignmnent among reads aligned to the graph: 0.095
 26:20:12.428   110G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 353)   PacBio aligning finished
 26:22:50.809    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 446)   Padding gaps
 26:22:50.809    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 450)   Min gap weight set to 2
 26:22:50.809    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 359)   Closing gaps with long reads
 26:22:50.974    58G / 311G  INFO   MultiGapJoiner           (hybrid_gap_closer.hpp     : 559)   Closed 3 gaps
 26:22:51.966    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (hybrid_aligning.cpp       : 379)   Closing gaps with long reads finished
 26:22:51.966    58G / 311G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Contig Output
 26:22:51.966    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/pre_pe_before_rr.fasta
 26:23:35.251    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 518)   Outputting graph to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/pre_pe_assembly_graph.fastg
 26:25:49.329    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/pre_pe_simplified_contigs.fasta
 26:26:40.260    58G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/pre_pe_final_contigs.fasta
 26:27:30.169    58G / 311G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Paired Information Counting
 26:28:44.595    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (graph_pack.hpp            : 105)   Normalizing k-mer map. Total 309849432 kmers to process
 26:33:38.136    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (graph_pack.hpp            : 107)   Normalizing done
 26:33:43.487    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 300)   Min edge length for estimation: 669
 26:33:43.487    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 311)   Estimating insert size for library #0
 26:33:43.487    60G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 116)   Estimating insert size (takes a while)
 26:33:44.423    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (short_read_mapper.hpp     :  88)   Selecting usual mapper
 26:34:05.962    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 200000 reads
 26:34:06.020    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 400000 reads
 26:34:06.223    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 600000 reads
 26:34:06.270    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 800000 reads
 26:34:06.445    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 1000000 reads
 26:34:06.598    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 1200000 reads
 26:34:08.657    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 2200000 reads
 26:34:09.822    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 4200000 reads
 26:34:12.526    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 8400000 reads
 26:34:29.791    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 16800000 reads
 26:34:54.145    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 33600000 reads
 26:35:42.074    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 67200000 reads
 26:37:13.727    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 134400000 reads
 26:40:25.544    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 268506167 reads
 26:41:10.594    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h: 100)   Total 295374451 reads processed
 26:41:12.071    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 134)   Edge pairs: 778839659
 26:41:12.071    61G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 138)   113213053 paired reads (38.3287% of all) aligned to long edges
 26:41:12.316    59G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 334)     Insert size = 322.345, deviation = 91.077, left quantile = 201, right quantile = 439, read length = 150
 26:41:13.120    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 351)   Filtering data for library #0
 26:41:13.130    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (short_read_mapper.hpp     :  88)   Selecting usual mapper
 26:41:39.789    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 200000 reads
 26:41:39.869    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 400000 reads
 26:41:40.783    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 600000 reads
 26:41:41.453    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 800000 reads
 26:41:41.490    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 1000000 reads
 26:41:41.887    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 1200000 reads
 26:41:42.570    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 2200000 reads
 26:41:47.264    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 4200000 reads
 26:41:51.191    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 8400000 reads
 26:42:06.358    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 16800000 reads
 26:42:37.475    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 33600000 reads
 26:43:42.570    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 67200000 reads
 26:45:58.942    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 134400000 reads
 26:50:09.750    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 268443612 reads
 26:51:25.100    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h: 100)   Total 295374451 reads processed
 26:51:25.102    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 363)   Mapping library #0
 26:51:25.103    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 365)   Mapping paired reads (takes a while)
 26:51:25.103    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 204)   Left insert size quantile 201, right insert size quantile 439, filtering threshold 2, rounding threshold 0
 26:51:25.129    62G / 311G  INFO    General                 (short_read_mapper.hpp     :  88)   Selecting usual mapper
 26:53:29.703    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 200000 reads
 26:53:30.500    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 400000 reads
 26:53:31.485    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 600000 reads
 26:53:32.937    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 800000 reads
 26:53:33.487    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 1000000 reads
 26:53:36.530    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 1200000 reads
 26:53:41.212    74G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 2200000 reads
 26:54:06.852    76G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 4200000 reads
 26:54:17.704    77G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 8400000 reads
 26:55:19.264    80G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 16800000 reads
 26:57:26.945    86G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 33600000 reads
 27:03:07.849    97G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 67200000 reads
 27:13:46.833   113G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 134400000 reads
 27:33:09.810   136G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h:  82)   Processed 268506166 reads
 27:37:03.029   139G / 311G  INFO    General                 (sequence_mapper_notifier.h: 100)   Total 295374451 reads processed
 27:37:06.067   137G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_count.cpp       : 304)   Library #1 was mapped earlier on hybrid aligning stage, skipping
 27:37:06.067   137G / 311G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Distance Estimation
 27:37:06.067   137G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 224)   Processing library #0
 27:37:06.067   137G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 130)   Weight Filter Done
 27:37:06.067   137G / 311G  INFO   DistanceEstimator        (distance_estimation.hpp   : 176)   Using SIMPLE distance estimator
 29:04:15.105   168G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   :  35)   Filtering info
 29:04:15.105   168G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_filters.hpp     : 242)   Start filtering; index size: 1493814653
 29:17:08.753   182G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_filters.hpp     : 263)   Done filtering
 29:17:10.698   166G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 172)   Refining clustered pair information
 29:21:41.072   166G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 174)   The refining of clustered pair information has been finished
 29:21:41.073   166G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 176)   Improving paired information
 30:14:41.592   175G / 311G  INFO   PairInfoImprover         (pair_info_improver.hpp    : 103)   Paired info stats: missing = 115096670; contradictional = 69176
 31:18:16.162   179G / 311G  INFO   PairInfoImprover         (pair_info_improver.hpp    : 103)   Paired info stats: missing = 28019533; contradictional = 700
 31:18:16.163   179G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 183)   Filling scaffolding index
 31:18:16.163   179G / 311G  INFO   DistanceEstimator        (distance_estimation.hpp   : 176)   Using SMOOTHING distance estimator
 32:28:34.225   184G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   :  35)   Filtering info
 32:28:34.225   184G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_filters.hpp     : 242)   Start filtering; index size: 127166363
 32:29:39.609   188G / 311G  INFO    General                 (pair_info_filters.hpp     : 263)   Done filtering
 32:29:40.116   184G / 311G  INFO    General                 (distance_estimation.cpp   : 228)   Clearing raw paired index
 32:42:20.570   107G / 311G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Repeat Resolving
 32:42:20.570   107G / 311G  INFO    General                 (repeat_resolving.cpp      :  68)   Using Path-Extend repeat resolving
 32:42:45.584   107G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 399)   ExSPAnder repeat resolving tool started
 32:42:45.588   107G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 169)   Autodetecting unique edge set parameters...
 32:42:45.588   107G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 171)   Minimal unique edge length set to the smallest MP library IS: 2000
 32:42:47.112   107G / 311G  INFO    General                 (coverage_uniformity_analyz:  31)   genomic coverage is 73.7417 calculated of length 156441194
 32:42:48.612   107G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 177)   median coverage for edges longer than 2000 is 73.7417 uniformity 89%
 32:42:52.332   107G / 311G  INFO   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  56)   With length cutoff: 2000, median long edge coverage: 73.7418, and maximal unique coverage: 0.5
 32:42:52.332   107G / 311G  INFO   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  57)   Unique edges quantity: 66526, unique edges length 279024938, total edges length 1086572447
 32:42:52.332   107G / 311G  WARN   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  59)   Less than half of genome in unique edges!
 32:43:41.627   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 357)   Creating main extenders, unique edge length = 2000
 32:43:43.616   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 251)   Estimated coverage of library #0 is 73.8357
 32:43:44.560   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 251)   Estimated coverage of library #0 is 73.8357
 32:43:49.356   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       :  33)   resolvable_repeat_length_bound set to 10000
 32:44:11.168   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 415)   Using 1 paired-end library
 32:44:11.168   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 416)   Using 1 paired-end scaffolding library
 32:44:11.168   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 417)   Using 1 single read library
 32:44:13.452   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 324)   Filling backbone edges for long reads scaffolding...
 32:44:13.452   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 343)    with coverage
 32:44:15.578   121G / 311G  INFO   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  56)   With length cutoff: 500, median long edge coverage: 70.9028, and maximal unique coverage: 0.5
 32:44:15.578   121G / 311G  INFO   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  57)   Unique edges quantity: 303700, unique edges length 507851564, total edges length 1086572447
 32:44:15.578   121G / 311G  WARN   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  59)   Less than half of genome in unique edges!
 32:44:15.578   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 346)   303700 unique edges
 32:44:15.578   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 312)   Creating scaffolding extender for lib 1
 32:44:15.611   121G / 311G  INFO   ExtensionChooser2015     (extension_chooser2015.hpp :  51)   ExtensionChooser2015 created
 32:44:18.973   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (extenders_logic.cpp       : 336)   Using 1 long reads scaffolding library
 32:44:18.973   121G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 385)   Total number of extenders is 5
 32:44:18.973   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 0 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 32:44:26.176   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 128 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 32:45:08.745   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 256 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 32:46:48.146   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 512 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 32:48:50.745   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 1024 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 32:51:23.311   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 2048 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 32:56:57.026   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 4096 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 33:04:06.972   121G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 8192 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 33:09:51.475   122G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 16384 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 33:13:15.972   122G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 32768 paths from 3343810 (0%)
 33:16:32.691   122G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 65536 paths from 3343810 (1%)
 33:20:59.079   122G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 131072 paths from 3343810 (3%)
 33:27:26.155   123G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 262144 paths from 3343810 (7%)
 33:30:36.287   124G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 334382 paths from 3343810 (10%)
 33:39:09.225   125G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 524288 paths from 3343810 (15%)
 33:44:02.694   126G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 668764 paths from 3343810 (20%)
 34:00:18.837   128G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 1003146 paths from 3343810 (30%)
 34:02:54.765   128G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 1048576 paths from 3343810 (31%)
 34:27:30.784   130G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 1337528 paths from 3343810 (40%)
 34:42:54.144   132G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 1671910 paths from 3343810 (50%)
 34:49:15.128   132G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 2006292 paths from 3343810 (60%)
 34:50:11.943   132G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1029)   Processed 2097152 paths from 3343810 (62%)
 34:52:34.729   132G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 2340674 paths from 3343810 (70%)
 34:54:34.327   132G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 2675056 paths from 3343810 (80%)
 34:55:38.152   132G / 311G  INFO   PathExtender             (path_extender.hpp         :1031)   Processed 3009438 paths from 3343810 (90%)
 35:06:42.080   133G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 248)   Traversing tandem repeats
 35:08:26.998   133G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 258)   Traversed 6482 loops
 35:08:26.998   133G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 391)   Closing gaps in paths
 35:10:41.788   139G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 395)   Gap closing completed
 35:13:43.190   140G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launcher.cpp              : 445)   ExSPAnder repeat resolving tool finished
 35:15:30.190   116G / 311G  INFO   StageManager             (stage.cpp                 : 126)   STAGE == Contig Output
 35:15:30.190   116G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 478)   Outputting contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/before_rr.fasta
 35:16:14.993   116G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 518)   Outputting graph to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/assembly_graph.fastg
 35:19:27.457   120G / 311G  INFO   PathExtendIO             (bidirectional_path_output.:  31)   Writing contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/final_contigs
 35:20:50.321   117G / 311G  INFO   PathExtendIO             (bidirectional_path_output.:  31)   Writing contigs to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/scaffolds
 35:21:48.394   116G / 311G  INFO    General                 (contig_output.hpp         : 509)   Outputting graph to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4//K77/assembly_graph.gfa
 35:22:56.659   116G / 311G  INFO    General                 (launch.hpp                : 136)   SPAdes finished
 35:32:54.933     8G / 311G  INFO    General                 (main.cpp                  : 109)   Assembling time: 35 hours 32 minutes 54 seconds

===== Assembling finished. Used k-mer sizes: 21, 33, 55, 77 

 * Corrected reads are in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/corrected/
 * Assembled contigs are in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/contigs.fasta
 * Assembled scaffolds are in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/scaffolds.fasta
 * Assembly graph is in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/assembly_graph.fastg
 * Assembly graph in GFA format is in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/assembly_graph.gfa
 * Paths in the assembly graph corresponding to the contigs are in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/contigs.paths
 * Paths in the assembly graph corresponding to the scaffolds are in /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/scaffolds.paths

======= SPAdes pipeline finished WITH WARNINGS!

=== Error correction and assembling warnings:
 * 32:42:52.332   107G / 311G  WARN   ScaffoldingUniqueEdgeAna (scaff_supplementary.cpp   :  59)   Less than half of genome in unique edges!
======= Warnings saved to /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/warnings.log

SPAdes log can be found here: /dat1/Rose_Denovo/resf/spade/ass4/spades.log

Thank you for using SPAdes!


asl commented 7 years ago

The warning is benign. You're having a dataset with not so small genome (~60 Mbp) and therefore the graph contains not that much long contigs. The warning is perfectly expected in this case. As for the size of the largest contig - I would say it's ok given the size of the genome and the properties of the input dataset (only single 150bp paired-end library with short fragment length + pacbio).