Thanks for this awesome tool. I successfully used it to assemble soil metagenomes using illumina and nanopore reads. However, I could not find what is the minimum size of the assembled contigs (set as default, could it be set to a defined value by the user?). After running QUAST with my assemblies, I can see only # contigs (>= 0 bp) and then (>1000 bp), so I cannot figure out the size of those contigs under 1 kbp.
Thanks for this awesome tool. I successfully used it to assemble soil metagenomes using illumina and nanopore reads. However, I could not find what is the minimum size of the assembled contigs (set as default, could it be set to a defined value by the user?). After running QUAST with my assemblies, I can see only # contigs (>= 0 bp) and then (>1000 bp), so I cannot figure out the size of those contigs under 1 kbp.
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards