ableplayer / ableplayer-wordpress

Able Player plugin for WordPress
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Positioning of BigPlayButton not working when player is not show on initialisation #4

Open MarHerUMR opened 2 years ago

MarHerUMR commented 2 years ago


on one of our pages we use ableplayers inside of a <details> element:

<details style="margin:1%;">
  <summary role="button" aria-expanded="false" style="background-color: #f2f2f2; padding:1.5%;">
    <h3 style="display:inline">Begrüßung</h3>
  <div class="row" style="height:5%; margin:1%">
    <p>Das dritte Vernetzungstreffen des Innovationsforum Barrierefreiheit wird durch begrüßende Worte von Frau Prof. Dr. Erdmuthe Meyer zu Bexten (geschäftsführende Direktorin des BliZ) und Frau Dr. Sarah Voß-Nakkour (<strong>studium</strong>digitale) eingeleitet. </p>
  <div style="margin:1.5%; width:100%">
  <video data-lang="de" id="video1" data-able-player="" preload="metadata" width="1280" lang="de" height="auto">
  <source type="video/mp4" src="">
  <track kind="subtitles" src="">

On initialisation the ableplayer is not on screen. Therefore the $BigPayButton Element get a width and height of 0 assigned. Resulting in the button being in the upper right corner, not in the center when the <details> element is expanded.

Looking into the code the changes in visibility should be caught by a MutationObserver and refreshControls('init') should be called. But testing with Firefox 78.15.0esr and Brave V1.32.106 (using Chromium 96.4664.45) (both on Windows) this is not working.