ably / ably-common

Common files shared by Ably realtime messaging libraries
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GitHub Action to encapsulate our `git` Publish (`push`) workflows #127

Open QuintinWillison opened 2 years ago

QuintinWillison commented 2 years ago

h3. Actions are working for us The SDK Team here at [Ably|https://github.com/ably] starting working on Ably's first [GitHub Action|https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/about-custom-actions#about-custom-actions] back in early 2021. You can find it at [ably/sdk-upload-action|https://github.com/ably/sdk-upload-action].

It's performing well for us and has [significantly simplified and reduced the amount of workflow script (yaml)|https://github.com/ably/ably-flutter/pull/117] that's required for us to deploy to our S3 bucket, presented at {{sdk.ably.com}}.

It makes a lot of sense for us to continue to encapsulate our patterns and processes as actions once we realise that we're using them in more than one place, or we have the opportunity to do so.

h3. {{git}} push downstream in action I've encapsulated my preference for keeping source code repositories as purely source code under https://github.com/ably/sdk-upload-action/issues/31.

That preference has been realised in a couple of places already:

h3. {{git}} push downstream in a GitHub Action If we consider [a typical example of usage|https://github.com/ably/ably-asset-tracking-android/blob/c8d57f0c7f8c5299db68424e9bdba12deba576cf/.github/workflows/docs.yml#L31] of our existing SDK Upload Action (workflow > job > [step|https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstepsuses]):


h4. Example: {{ably-common}} to {{ably-common-go}} {code:yaml}

h4. Example: {{repository-audit}} to {{repository-audit-report}} ({{main}} branch, 'run') Replace [this step|https://github.com/ably/repository-audit/blob/1e25629ee912a386b9970edf6e2820be903a0456/.github/workflows/run.yml#L36] with:



QuintinWillison commented 2 years ago

This action should also generate deployments. This is well described in https://github.com/ably/repository-audit/issues/36.