ably / ably-flutter

A wrapper around our Cocoa and Java client library SDKs, providing iOS and Android support for those using Flutter and Dart.
Apache License 2.0
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native dart implementation #76

Open Miamoto-Musashi opened 3 years ago

Miamoto-Musashi commented 3 years ago

Since dart/flutter code supports mobile, web, and desktop natively would be a better choice to write the SDK from scratch and get the advantage of these integrations instead of wrapping existing libraries with their limitations.

Time to market can be slower at the beginning but in the future, the advantages can be huge You would also gain a strategic advantage over concurrents like AWS amplify which is taking the same (wrong) direction, IMHO.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task by Unito

QuintinWillison commented 3 years ago

Hello @Miamoto-Musashi and thanks for getting in touch. 😁

We debated internally the approach to take between a pure Dart package and a Flutter plugin that wrapped our existing client libraries, and the consensus was that the plugin route would more quickly address the need we were seeing from customers in early 2020.

We're a year on now (how did that happen!?) and there's still a lot of work to be done on this plugin, which @tiholic is valiantly plugging away at that. I happen to personally agree with you that a pure Dart package would be a good idea, as I always have. It could, in time, viably replace the Flutter plugin as the client library of choice for Flutter developers (given platform native dependencies will always add complexity so we understand the desire to remove them from the mix).

A Dart package project would have its own repository, probably ably-dart (hence this repository had the -flutter suffix to leave room for that). Therefore I'm going to close this issue - however please be assured that I am going to forward your request on to our product management team in case it adds to the momentum behind the scheduling of time to start a new project to develop a pure package.

Thanks again for the request. ❤️

alexeyinkin commented 2 years ago

Meanwhile is there a chance to add the existing JavaScript to the federation plugin? It would not help with desktop, but it would do for web.