ably / specification

The Ably features spec for client library SDKs.
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Document `RestChannel#name` and correct optionality #18

Open QuintinWillison opened 2 years ago

QuintinWillison commented 2 years ago

I notice in our current IDL, this member is marked as String? indicating that it's optional. I think that is incorrect.

Also, there was an interesting internal Slack conversation where the allowable characters for channel names was exposed as a regular expression by @SimonWoolf:

/^([^\:\,\s\[].*)$/, eg can't start with a colon or open-bracket, can't be the empty string, can't contain any newlines

That should perhaps be documented in the specification.

Finally, we might consider having a method available client-side that allows SDK users to validate channel names before sending them to the service. In the aforementioned Slack thread ☝️ @lmars and @ikbalkaya discussed briefly the idea of a method along these lines, perhaps called something like isClientIdValid().

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task by Unito

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Automation for Jira commented:

The link to the corresponding Jira issue is https://ably.atlassian.net/browse/SDK-2758