CHA-RL3c—If the room is in the @RELEASING@ status, the operation will return the result of the pending @release@ operation or throw any exception it throws.
This statement conflicts with the atomic behavior of the room lifecycle manager [CHA-RL7].
This also conflicts with [CHA-RL3k], where every new operation starts only after the previous one has finished.
Also, release operation never throws any exceptions and always sets channels into either detached or failed status, setting RoomStatus as Released at the end.
This means once release operation starts, it will always finish emitting Releasing -> Released states.
New Release operation will be automatically covered as per CHA-RL3a.
operation never throws any exceptions and always sets channels into eitherdetached
status, setting RoomStatus asReleased
at the end.Releasing
operation will be automatically covered as per CHA-RL3a.