abner / flutter_js

A Javascript engine to use with flutter. It uses quickjs on Android and JavascriptCore on IOS
MIT License
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add plugin Linux macos windows support #16

Closed mabDc closed 3 years ago

mabDc commented 4 years ago

Hi, flutter_js is awsome. I used this plugin in my app, thanks for your work.

I'm Interested in using js not only mobile platforms but desktop platforms. Becase of quickjs writting by c language, I had edited some code from history_commit five months ago, and it finally works well in Linux, macos, and windows (code in flutter_js).

I also tried flutter_jscore, and had submited a pull_request to support windows in Aug, but ffi in dart is incomplete and I found it not perfect to me.

So, I think you may add desktop platforms support if you are planning to.

In addition, I recommend another flutter quickjs plugin flutter_qjs, it has better interaction with dart, more similar to flutter_liquidcore, but uses quickjs too. You may have a look at it.

abner commented 3 years ago


Ok, i will evaluate this idea of add support to another platforms. I saw the flutter_qjs plugin too (nice piece of code to integrate to quickjs also).

Now i'm of a stage of implement some other plugins with uses flutter_js to bring some nice facilities to Flutter applications, so new platforms supports would take some time to be added.

But i'm open for contributtions.