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Citações indiretas separadas por "e" #28

Closed mvlp closed 6 years ago

mvlp commented 6 years ago

Detectei que as citações indiretas sem parênteses estão separadas somente por "e", talvez por causa de uma correção de bug anterior. Segue o exemplo mínimo:

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[style=abnt, language=brazil, sccite, scbib]{biblatex}


\begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @Article{fama1993, Title = {Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds}, Author = {Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French}, Journal = {Journal of Financial Economics}, Year = {1993}, Number = {1}, Pages = {3 - 56}, Volume = {33}, } @article{fama2015, title = "A five-factor asset pricing model", journal = "Journal of Financial Economics", volume = "116", number = "1", pages = "1 - 22", year = "2015", author = "Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French" } @article{markowitz1952util, author = {Markowitz, Harry Max}, title = {The Utility of Wealth}, journal = {Journal of Political Economy}, volume = {60}, number = {2}, pages = {151-158}, year = {1952}
} @Article{markowitz1959, Title = {Portfolio selection: efficient diversification of investments}, Author = {Markowitz, Harry Max}, Journal = {Cowies Foundation Monograph}, Year = {1959}, Number = {16} } @article{markowitz1952, Title = {Portfolio Selection}, Author = {Markowitz, Harry Max}, Journal = {The Journal of Finance}, Year = {1952}, Number = {1}, Pages = {77--91}, Volume = {7}, Publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, } @article{tversky1973availability, title={Availability: A heuristic for judging frequency and probability}, author={Tversky, Amos and Kahneman, Daniel}, journal={Cognitive psychology}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={207--232}, year={1973}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{bs1973, author = {Fischer Black and Myron Scholes}, journal = {Journal of Political Economy}, number = {3}, pages = {637-654}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, title = {The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities}, volume = {81}, year = {1973} } \end{filecontents


\begin{document} \noindent\textcites{bs1973,markowitz1952,markowitz1952util,markowitz1959,fama1993,fama2015}\ \cites{bs1973,markowitz1952,markowitz1952util,markowitz1959,fama1993,fama2015}\ \printbibliography \end{document}

att, Marcos

dbmrq commented 6 years ago

Pronto, espero não ter quebrado mais nada, rs. Se tiver mais algum problema pode abrir outros issues. Muito obrigado pela ajuda. :)

mvlp commented 6 years ago

Parece que está tudo ok agora. Disponha.

mvlp commented 6 years ago

Testei com a versão 3.1, mas percebi que múltiplos trabalhos de mesmos autores voltaram a não ser agrupados.

dbmrq commented 6 years ago

Ah, isso não está arrumado na versão 3.1. Você pode usar este commit: https://github.com/abntex/biblatex-abnt/commit/df15983bc459a278f01c9333b866f8a1b0503830

dbmrq commented 6 years ago
