abntex / biblatex-abnt

:books: Estilo para BibLaTeX compatível com as normas da ABNT
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biblatex to drop xstring #39

Closed moewew closed 5 years ago

moewew commented 5 years ago

Apologies for writing in English, Portuguese is not my forte.

We are currently planning on getting rid of xstring code in biblatex. As a consequence biblatex would not require xstring any more and would not load the xstring package itself any more. biblatex styles that need xstring would have to load the package explicitly themselves. See https://github.com/plk/biblatex/pull/816 for the current state of affairs.

Your style uses some xstring commands, for example


so to continue working properly, abnt.bbx should load xstring.

Even if it turns out that the change can not go through as planned, it is still a very good idea to load xstring explicitly if your style needs it.

We are hoping to release a new version of biblatex in the not too distant future (I can't promise any ETA as of now, there will be a pre-release announcement on comp.text.tex). You can learn more about the upcoming changes in https://github.com/plk/biblatex/blob/dev/doc/latex/biblatex/CHANGES.md. If you can find time to test your style against the new dev version (https://sourceforge.net/projects/biblatex/files/development/, you'll also need Biber 2.12 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/biblatex-biber/files/biblatex-biber/development/binaries/) feedback would be appreciated.

dbmrq commented 5 years ago

No problem. Thank you for letting me know! I'll make the change and try to test the new version as soon as possible. Cheers! 🍺

moewew commented 5 years ago

I added a pull request (#40) with the necessary changes for xstring loading.

As I say there, you can probably move to expl3's RegExp completely, removing the need for xstring.

dbmrq commented 5 years ago

Awesome, thank you! I’m on a trip, so I was waitinng until I got back home to look into it. I’ll try moving to expl3 then, I’ll leave this issue open to remind me. (If you get bored and feel like helping, with that or anything else, I’ll be very grateful. I have pretty much no idea what I’m doing here, as you can see from my code, which is a huge mess, haha.)

moewew commented 5 years ago

biblatex 3.12 was released a while ago, so currently all users of biblatex-abnt must load xstring manually. So far this does not seem to have caused much of a stir, but I was reminded of this issue when I was looking into https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/460412/35864 just a few moments ago.

It would be great if the code on GitHub could make its way to CTAN soon, so people are not forced to change their documents. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

dbmrq commented 5 years ago

Oh, I'm sorry about this. I was on a long trip and I still didn't manage to deal with everything I need to since I got back. I just sent the latest version to CTAN. Thanks again for all your help!

moewew commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much.