abo-abo / ace-window

Quickly switch windows in Emacs
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A combination of ace-window and global-set-key and use-package cause corruption of behaviour of function, PageUp, and PageDnkeys #101

Closed vonHabsi closed 3 years ago

vonHabsi commented 7 years ago

When I try to run emacs in a terminal connection on a particular system the function and the page up and page down keys don't work correctly.

F8 - No such candidate, 49
F10 - No such candidate, 50
F12 - No such candidate, 50

Page down - No such candidate, 53
Page up - No such candidate, 54

I traced it to a sequence in this use-package config. I changed the default M-p set by ace-window to M-[ that is what causes it. I don't know whether it is in global-set-key itself, or the use in combination with ace-window and or use-package is the cause.

(use-package ace-window
  :ensure t
  :defer t
    (global-set-key (kbd "<f9>") 'ace-window)
    (global-set-key (kbd "M-[") 'ace-window)
    (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))
    ;;more info at https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window
abo-abo commented 7 years ago

So M-p works, but M-[ doesn't. Looks like a teminal limitation; not connected to ace-window.

vonHabsi commented 7 years ago

Do you know of any escape sequence which could be triggered by applying M-[ to global-set-key?

Whatever happens I will try on the unix mailing lists. Thanks