abo-abo / ace-window

Quickly switch windows in Emacs
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pdf windows scrolled to top of current page #203

Open Fritzkefit opened 3 years ago

Fritzkefit commented 3 years ago

Whenever I call 'ace-window' with more than 2 windows, i.e., whenever the ace-window keys are displayed, it scrolls to the top of all windows displaying pdfs (it doesn't matter whether I use DocView or pdf-tools). When switching with 'other-window' this does not happen. Unfortunately this is very annoying; for instance, when you try to translate mathematical formulas --on which I zoomed in, in the middle/bottom of the pdf page-- into code opened in another window.

tmplt commented 3 years ago

This happens for me also. It seems like it resets the pdf-view window when ace-window tries to draw the selecting character, which it fails to do. Can I tell ace-window to not draw on pdf-view windows?

tmplt commented 3 years ago

I noticed now that ace-window doesn't fail to draw the selecting character, but it draws it halfway down the PDF page, not in the top-left as is the case for all other windows.

rdiaz02 commented 2 years ago

I was noticing the same (scrolling to top of pdf, drawing the character halfway down, on the left).

The posframe versions of either https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window/pull/204 or https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window/pull/192 do not show these issues.