abo-abo / lispy

Short and sweet LISP editing
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Numbered anonymous function arguments are being incorrectly auto-formatted #676

Open aisamu opened 6 months ago

aisamu commented 6 months ago

Just reporting a minor inconvenience involving numbered anonymous function arguments (%n) in Clojurescript and Clojure

Pressing i on the top-level forms, between the hash and the opening parens (i.e. #|()

#(println %)
;; nothing happens (expected!)

#(apply println %&)
;; nothing happens (also expected!)

#(println %1 %2 %3)
#(println % 1 % 2 % 3) ; (oh no)

Currently running version:0.27.0 on Emacs 29.1 (doom), OSX

Once again, thank you for writing Lispy! (and secretly looking forward to your tree-sitter machinations)