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spooky behavior with ivy-occur from projectile-find-file #3035

Open evandavis opened 3 months ago

evandavis commented 3 months ago

Expected Behavior

Calling ivy-occur from projectile-find-file (ivy results) should open an occur buffer; candidates in the occur buffer should behave normally, e.g. <enter> should visit the file.

Actual behavior

When I call projectile-find-file and then ivy-occur on the candidates, the first matched file is opened directly. Burying that buffer reveals the occur buffer, but candidates are not interactive, I cannot call actions on them.

I confirmed this using the make plain setup from the contributing guides.

Steps to reproduce

make plain

# in emacs

M-x package-install projectile
M-x projectile-mode
M-x projectile-find-file
C-c C-o (ivy-occur)

Apparently this has been known for a long time but was only mentioned in an unrelated, closed issue, so I'm opening it here for visibility even though I understand that—after 8 years—it is unlikely to be fixed.

Either way I love these packages and appreciate everything you do!