aboria / Aboria

Enables computations over a set of particles in N-dimensional space
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CMake error: the source directory "..." does not appear to contain CMakeList.txt #23

Closed PokerN closed 6 years ago

PokerN commented 6 years ago

Hi, I really admire your work, and want to try your c++ library. However, I'm stuck with the first example you provided in “Installation and Getting Started”. I did exactly what you told. But I don't understand the meaning of "Note that this assumes that the Aboria repository is in your current directory, which it will be if you just cloned the repo using the git command above". So I cloned the repo, and saved the two file "getting_started.cpp" and "CMakeLists.txt", placed them with the repo in the same directory. It looks like below:

. .. Aboria CMakeLists.txt getting_started.cpp

When I entered the command “cmake .”, I got the error "the source directory "..." does not appear to contain CMakeList.txt". I am not familiar with CMAKE, and eager to get your help. Thank you very much. My system is ubuntu 16.04.

martinjrobins commented 6 years ago

Hi @PokerN. Your directory looks good. This directory should be your current working directory, so that when you type cmake ., the . refers to the directory with the CMakeLists.txt file. This is the error that cmake is giving you: that the directory you are giving it does not contain a CMakeLists.txt.

PokerN commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much! I will learn about cmake. Once I figure it out, I will give a clear description of my problem below.