aborn / nuxt-openid-connect

OpenID-Connect(OIDC) integration module for nuxt 3.0.
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PKCE support (code_challenge) #21

Open diegosasw opened 1 year ago

diegosasw commented 1 year ago

This library looks great, thanks. I am following the playground example.

I am using a Duende Identity Server OIDC provider and I have adapted the sample to make it work.

However I had to disable PKCE in the OIDC provider not to get an error code_challenge is missing

I am wondering whether the library supports PKCE. I know oidc-client-ts does.

aborn commented 1 year ago

Currently, the package doesn't support PKCE.

karatekaneen commented 6 months ago

@aborn What would need to be changed in order to support pkce?

aborn commented 5 months ago

As pkce, you needs pass Code Verifier and Code Challenge params for Authorization Code Flow . You can have try, and give PR.