Closed TG1999 closed 2 years ago
The new help look like this
Usage: python-inspector [OPTIONS]
Resolve the dependencies for the package requirements listed in one or more
REQUIREMENT-FILE file, one or more SPECIFIER and one setuptools SETUP-PY-
FILE file and save the results as JSON to FILE.
Resolve the dependencies for the requested ``--python-version`` PYVER and
``--operating_system`` OS combination.
Download from the provided PyPI simple --index-url INDEX(s) URLs defaulting
Provide source distributions over binary distributions with the --prefer-
source option. If no source distribution is available then binary
distributions are used.
Error and progress are printed to stderr.
For example, display the results of resolving the dependencies for
flask==2.1.2 on screen::
python-inspector --spec "flask==2.1.2" --json -
-r, --requirement REQUIREMENT-FILE
Path to pip requirements file listing
thirdparty packages. This option can be used
multiple times.
-s, --setup-py SETUP-PY-FILE Path to setuptools file listing
dependencies and metadata. This option can
be used multiple times.
--spec, --specifier SPECIFIER Package specifier such as django==1.2.3.
This option can be used multiple times.
-p, --python-version PYVER Python version to use for dependency
resolution. [required]
-o, --operating-system OS OS to use for dependency resolution.
--index-url INDEX PyPI simple index URL(s) to use in order of
preference. This option can be used multiple
times. [default:]
--json FILE Write output as pretty-printed JSON to FILE.
Use the special '-' file name to print
results on screen/stdout.
--json-pdt FILE Write output as pretty-printed JSON to FILE
as a tree in the style of pipdeptree. Use
the special '-' file name to print results
on screen/stdout.
--use-pypi-json-api Use PyPI JSON API to fetch dependency data.
Faster but not always correct. --index-url
are ignored when this option is active.
--analyze-setup-py-insecurely Enable collection of requirements in that compute these dynamically.
This is an insecure operation as it can run
arbitrary code.
--prefer-source Prefer source distributions over binary
distributions if no source distribution is
available then binary distributions are used
-V, --version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Signed-off-by: Tushar Goel