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Cleaner, simpler, safer and saner YAML parsing/serialization in Python, for YAML meant to be readable first, on top of PyYAML
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Copy nexB Public Projects to aboutcode-org #17

Open DennisClark opened 3 weeks ago

DennisClark commented 3 weeks ago

See https://github.com/orgs/nexB/projects?query=is%3Aopen+is%3Apublic

When we have completed the migration of repositories from nexB to aboutcode-org, we should re-create currently open nexB public Projects in aboutcode-org. There may be a tool to do this, but we can do the process manually if necessary.

mjherzog commented 3 weeks ago

I tried the GH Projects copy feature but it only copies the metadata - not the Issues.

DennisClark commented 3 weeks ago

that's a good start !