Entirely new license which is a mixture of already known ones [WITH exceptions, OR, AND cases]
Multiple False Positives(some with low scores), even when the correct(similar) license rule match score is 100, here there might be more than one area of interest location-wise, one is detected properly, another is not.
Multiple False Positives, the correct(similar) license rule is weak, suggest stronger rules.
Multiple False Positives, a similar license (the correct one) rule is missing
New previously unseen License Notice, triggering False Positives
Some detections are matched with “2-aho” (usually smaller rules) and some detected by “3-seq” where some words are common, detected by set-matching
Attribute-based segregation:
One or more detections with matcher: “3-seq”
One or more detections with low/not-perfect score (say equal to or less than 90)
[ToDo Select Value based on Rule Score and other Analysis]
One or more detections with match_coverage less than 95 [ToDo select value]
conflicting license detections (like gpl 2.0 vs gpl 2.0 plus or bsd-new vs gpl 2.0 plus etc)
Now it can be any of these cases -
Attribute-based segregation: