aboutcode-org / scancode-toolkit

:mag: ScanCode detects licenses, copyrights, dependencies by "scanning code" ... to discover and inventory open source and third-party packages used in your code. Sponsored by NLnet project https://nlnet.nl/project/vulnerabilitydatabase, the Google Summer of Code, Azure credits, nexB and others generous sponsors!
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Synchronize with SPDX License List 3.25.0 #3896

Open DennisClark opened 3 weeks ago

DennisClark commented 3 weeks ago

New release of the SPDX License List 3.25.0 See https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/releases/tag/v3.25.0

Please update the SCTK files, the LicenseDB, and synchronize with DejaCode.

Note that the SPDX deprecation of the Net-SNMP license in this release might be a complication, and we will probably want to change our SPDX pointer for that license to a Licenseref, but we do not want to deprecate that license in SCTK or DejaCode.

DennisClark commented 3 weeks ago

@AyanSinhaMahapatra I have completed review and editing of the licenses that were added or updated in DejaCode. A few notes: