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The RedHatImporter does a lot of extra, not-immediately-needed, improvement-like work
In particular, we collect extra CVE details, Bugzilla and CVRF data too early. @ziadhany found out that with profiling we spend most of the time in doing network calls for these:
[ ] Collect RedHat CVE json details that contain extra data as an improver, not an importer
[ ] Collect RedHat Bugzilla details that contain extra data as an improver, not an importer
[ ] Collect RedHat CVRF RHSA details that contain extra data as an improver, not an importer
The RedHatImporter does a lot of extra, not-immediately-needed, improvement-like work In particular, we collect extra CVE details, Bugzilla and CVRF data too early. @ziadhany found out that with profiling we spend most of the time in doing network calls for these: