Open Nilserich opened 4 years ago
I created a batch file that makes this process a lot easier, the only thing you need to make sure of is that you put the script folder file in \Documents\Warthog\
The script will launch TARGET and run the script and then launch the RSI launcher for you.
If you just want the script to run and not the launcher delete this part:
cd "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\RSI Launcher\"
start "RSI Launcher" ".\RSI Launcher.exe"
Create the bat file using the code below.
If you need help just reply, I will help as much as I can.
@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Thrustmaster\TARGET\x64\"
start TARGETGUI.exe -r %userprofile%\Documents\Warthog\script\StarCitizen_3.8.x_combined.tmc
cd "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\RSI Launcher\"
start "RSI Launcher" ".\RSI Launcher.exe"
Each time you download a new update for this script you will need to make sure the batch file is changed to match the tmc name exactly.
The troubleshooting steps are run in the game console using the ` key
I have not messed with the default deadzones so I do not know exactly what to do there.
You may need to remap your throttle controls, if you load in and apply the keybinds and roll when you use your throttle go into the Star Citizen game settings and change your binding, make sure to save the changes so you don't have to do it each time!
Thanks for your response.
I finally got it right. Adjusting the deadzones is a little tricky. But I found a pretty good setting.
I'm having trouble getting it to work. The readme does not explain to me in an understandable way what I have to set up in the TARGET software. I have never used this TARGET software before. A more detailed and specific description of the individual steps would be very helpful. Some other points are also not explained clearly.
_## How to run Point your T.A.R.G.E.T. software to run the script directly w/o loading the GUI. C:\Program Files (x86)\Thrustmaster\TARGET\x64\TARGETGUI.exe E:\StarCitizen-WarthogScript\script\StarCitizen_3.8.xcombined.tmc
I don't know where I can configure that in TARGET. I found several places in the software where I can load these files from the pack or create presets. A detailed step by step description would be helpful.
## Troubleshooting You have to use the correct numbers matching your machines setup!
What are the correct numbers or how do I find out what the correct numbers are?
Import the HOTAS keybindings to a different slot. This requires also to adjust the deadzones for that slot! See manual settings
Where do I do that and where do I set up the deadzones. Which values are necessary or in which range is recommended? In the TARGET software as well as in SC I have the possibility to set deadzones.
How can I check that I have set everything I need in TARGET correctly?